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词汇 call the shots
例句 The directors call the shots and nothing happens without their say-so.董事们掌握大权,没有他们的允许什么都不能做。He isn't in a position to call the shots here.他无权在这里发号施令。I am the boss at work, but my wife calls the shots at home.工作时我是老板,但是在家时我太太发号施令。It's definitely my mother who calls the shots in my family.在我家里绝对是我母亲发号施令。It was a job in which she was able to call the shots.这是一份她可以说了算的工作。Who calls the shots in your home?你们家谁发号施令? Directors call the shots and nothing happens on set without their say-so.导演发号施令,拍摄现场的一切都必须得到他们的许可。




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