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词汇 发胶
例句 She used gel on her hair to control the frizz.她用发胶给鬈发定型。His long white hair was slicked back with gel.他用发胶把长长的白发往后梳得油光发亮。This hair spray has made my hair stiff.这种发胶使我的头发变硬了。Squeeze a small amount onto the palm of your hand and spread the gel evenly through your hair.挤少量的发胶在手掌上,然后均匀地涂在头发上。I use a styling gel to give texture to my hair.我用发胶给头发定型。He had spiky, light brown hair, shaved at the sides and gelled on top.他浅褐色的头发一簇簇地直立着,剃去两鬓,头顶上打了发胶We used a gel to add gloss to her hair.我们用了一种发胶来使她的头发更亮泽。She sleeked back her hair with some styling gel.她用某种发胶把头发往后梳得油光发亮。The gel is guaranteed to add gloss even to the dullest hair.这种发胶能令即使是最没有光泽的头发也亮泽起来。He plastered his hair down/back with gel.他用发胶把头发往下/往后梳贴伏。She gelled her hair.她给自己的头发上了发胶Give your hair one more spray to be sure it stays in place.往头发上再喷一次发胶,确保其定型。This gel gives a beautiful shine to the hair.发胶使头发有种亮丽的光泽。This gel will add gloss to even the dullest hair.这种发胶即便最干枯的头发用了也会增添光泽。Gel is great for holding and shaping shorter hairstyles.发胶用来固定和塑造较短的发型是很管用的。He tried to plaster his hair down with gel.他用发胶尽力地让头发服帖。She spritzed her hair with hairspray.她在头发上喷了一点发胶




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