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词汇 logic
例句 Although I disagreed with the book's theoretical base , I couldn't really find fault with its logic.虽然我不同意这本书的理论基础,但确实挑不出它逻辑上的毛病。His argument ignores the multitude of factors that go into reducing poverty. It's based on faulty logic.他的论点无视减少贫困涉及的多方面因素。它的逻辑基础是错误的。The computer proceeds with its incomparable logic and efficiency.计算机以无与伦比的条理性和效率工作着。Well, I can see that the logic is somehow wrong, but I don't know why exactly.嗯,我意识到这个逻辑有纰漏,却不知道具体错在哪里。At this point your logic is at fault.在这一点上你的推理是错误的。Such reasoning seems to negate the distinctions inherent in logic.这样的推理看来是抹煞了逻辑内在的区别。They asked her some searching questions on moral philosophy and logic.他们深入询问了她一些有关伦理学和逻辑学的问题。What kind of twisted logic is that?那是什么样的奇怪逻辑?He understood the basic logic of deterrence.他理解威慑的基本逻辑。There's a certain logic in/to what he says.他的话不无道理。I could not understand her logic in keeping the dog. 我无法理解她收养那只狗的理由。I suppose the situation has a certain inexorable logic.我认为出现这种情况确有一定的必然原因。In their faulty logic, this is a great injustice.按照他们的错误逻辑,这是严重的不公正。The revolution proceeded according to its own logic.那场革命是按照其自身的规律进行的。Commercial logic has forced the two parts of the company closer together.商业上的考虑迫使公司的这两个部门更加紧密地合作。He is pervious to reason and the logic of facts.他服膺理喻和客观规律。There is no sign that you bothered to consider the inverse of your logic.你根本就不想把你的逻辑反过来考虑。The plan was based on sound commercial logic.此计划基于合理的商业逻辑。The students study philosophy and logic.学生们学习哲学和逻辑学。The plan had a simple logic to it.该计划包含着简单的逻辑。There is much logic in what he says.他讲的话很有道理。Philosophers use logic to prove their arguments.哲学家用逻辑推理来证明他们的论点。There would be no logic in upsetting the agreements.把协议推翻在逻辑上站不住脚。You can't use the same logic in dealing with children.对孩子你不能用同样的逻辑。The roads here are quite a maze, criss-crossing one another in a fashion that at times defies logic.这里的路简直就是个迷宫,互相纵横交错,有时会把人搞得晕头转向。There is no logic in what she says.她讲的话没有道理。Her logic was irrefutable.她的逻辑不容置疑。I don't follow the logic of your argument.我不明白你的论点逻辑性何在。There's no logic in the decision to reduce staff when orders are the highest they have been for years.在这些年来订单最多的时候决定裁员一点儿都不合乎逻辑。The economic logic of reform is inescapable.改革有其必然的经济学逻辑。What's the logic behind this decision?这一决定背后的逻辑是什么?If you just use a little logic, you'll see I'm right.你稍稍用点逻辑,就会明白我是对的。The lack of logic in his scheme was apparent.他的方案显然缺乏逻辑性。There are irredeemable flaws in the logic of the argument.这些论点的逻辑存在无法弥补的漏洞。The logic of this was weird to say the least.至少可以说,这个逻辑推理是奇怪的。Her decision defies logic. 她的决定不合逻辑。Sophie questioned the logic of his arguments.索菲对他的论点的逻辑性提出了质疑。I can't follow the logic of what you are saying.我不明白你这番话是什么意思。If prices go up, wages will go up too - that's just logic.如果物价上涨,工资也要增长——这样才合乎逻辑。The whole process is flawed because the logic behind the questions is too simplistic.整个过程都不完善,因为这些问题背后的逻辑太简单化了。




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