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In most cases the illness is preceded by vomiting and chills.在大部分情况下,发病前会出现呕吐和发冷。Her symptoms include chills and a fever.她的症状包括发冷和发烧。She was bruised and cold, but mercifully unhurt.她身上青肿发冷,但幸而没有受伤。The marble floor was beginning to chill me.大理石地面开始让我觉得发冷。Richard's jokes make you groan rather than laugh.理查德的笑话让人发冷而不是发笑。Grandfather's ghost stories sent chills up my spine.祖父的鬼故事吓得我脊梁骨发冷。One by one her hopes had fallen away, and left her desolate.她的希望一个一个地毁灭,她的心都发冷了。 |