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例句 The actor's female public idolized him all the more for his disdainful attitude.这位演员的女观众因他态度倨傲反而更加崇拜他。Then there were his cringe-making attempts at humour.接着他想幽默一下,结果反而让人难堪。Huge projects designed to aid poorer countries can sometimes do more harm than good.旨在援助贫穷国家的庞大计划有时反而会弊大于利。When we feel anger, we bury the emotion and feel guilty instead.当我们感到愤怒时,压抑这种情绪反而会觉得内疚。Some plants actually prefer a lot of shade, which is fortunate for gardeners choosing plants for gloomy corners.有些植物反而喜欢阴暗,这对想找些植物种在阴暗角落里的花匠来说真是好事。Trying not to laugh aloud made it worse, and for a moment or two, they were both helpless with suppressed laughter.他们想忍住不笑出声来,反而更加糟糕有那么一会儿,两个人都忍不住大笑起来。If you were wrong, admit it. You won't lose your dignity, but will gain respect.如果你错了,那就承认。你不会因此而失去尊严,反而会赢得尊重。The opposition to her plan made her more determined than ever.她的计划遭到反对,这反而使她前所未有地更加坚定。She felt dislike rather than sympathy as he told his story.当他讲起自己的故事,她没有感到同情反而觉得厌恶。No one thinks this could spell the closure of the firm, but things could be better.没有人觉得这样做会使公司关门,反而可以做得更好。My interest in his books declined in inverse proportion to his popularity. 他的名气越大,我反而越不喜欢他的书了。If you were wrong, admit it. You won't lose dignity, but will gain respect.如果你错了,那就承认。你不会因此而失去尊严,反而会赢得尊重。But instead of ending in agreement, the talks broke up in acrimony at the end of the week.但是到这个周末,谈判非但没有达成协议反而在唇枪舌剑中不欢而散。These measures may save money in the short term, but we'll end up spending more later.这些措施在短期内可能会省钱,但是到后来反而会花费更多。He's been more of a hindrance than a help.他不但帮不上忙,反而是个累赘。Instead of helping, they just sat and sneered.他们不帮忙,反而坐在那里嗤笑。Instead of being part of the solution, they became part of the problem.他们非但没帮忙解决问题,反而起了反作用。The treatment only aggravated the condition.这种治疗方法反而使病情恶化。The paradox is that fishermen would catch more fish if they fished less.这则悖论是如果渔夫较少打鱼反而会打到更多的鱼。Instead of easing off, his depression seemed to get worse.他的消沉状态非但没有减轻,反而更加严重了。So far from taking my advice, he went and did just what I warned him against.他非但不接受我的劝告,反而去做了我告诫他别做的事。He wasn't dead, but living a life of luxury in Australia.他没有死,反而在澳大利亚过着奢华的生活。Far from helping the situation, you've just made it worse.你那样非但于事无补,反而把事情弄得更糟了。The ultimate irony is that the revolution, rather than bringing freedom, actually ended it completely.革命非但没有带来自由,反而是完全结束了自由,这真是莫大的讽刺。Her great height was rather a handicap.她个子很高,反而造成不便。Far from taking the huff at players turning pro, the amateur body is actively encouraging those who are good enough.业余协会并没有对那些转为职业选手的队员表示不满,反而一直在积极鼓励那些足够优秀的队员这样做。Far from helping the situation, the new regulations are likely to complicate matters.新条例的实行非但于情况无益,反而可能使事情更为复杂。It only made him more introspective.反而促使他更耽于自省。The dangers of the climb up Mt. Washington only whetted our appetite for more adventure.攀爬华盛顿山的危险反而激起了我们冒更大的险的愿望。To face unpleasant truth need not be discouraging, but can be bracing.正视严酷事实并不一定使人气馁,反而可能令人振奋。Instead of fewer accidents, there were more.意外事故非但没有减少,反而增多了。The spokesman's explanations only muddied the mess further.发言人的解释反而使混乱的局势更显得扑朔迷离。Her sparing use of make-up only seemed to enhance her classically beautiful features.一点淡妆反而增添了她五官的古典韵味。His comments were intended to weaken her resolve but they only served to strengthen it.他的这些话本打算要弱化她的决心,但反而起到了增强的作用。Being the daughter of a famous film star can be more of a hindrance than a help in getting your career off the ground.著名影星女儿的身份可能不但不能帮你,反而会阻碍你自己事业的腾飞。Far from being an ignominy this was a courageous and morally correct deed.这非但不是卑劣行为,反而是勇敢的正义行动。Her resistance only fanned his desire.她的反抗反而激起了他的欲望。Ironically, the government's reassurances may have exacerbated fear about the disease.讽刺的是,政府的保证可能反而加深了人们对这种疾病的恐惧。A vain effort to quell the public's fears only made matters worse.旨在消除公众恐惧的努力毫无结果,反而把事情变得更糟了。The quick goal only stung Bradford into action.这个能迅速达到的目标反而激励布拉德福德行动起来。




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