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词汇 反战
例句 The rising body count fueled opposition to the war.不断增加的死亡人数引发了反战呼声。Anti-war dissent was increasing by the time Nixon took office.自尼克松上台时,反战呼声日渐高涨。For many years I have preached against war.多年以来我一直在进行反战宣传。If you took the anti-war arguments to their logical conclusion, you would destroy all weapons.如果从这些反战的论点按照逻辑得出结论,你会把所有武器都销毁了。Miller was not alone in his opposition to the war.米勒并不是唯一一个反战的人。The anti-war agitation is beginning to worry the government.反战宣传逐渐让政府开始担心。Only a small group of people dared to speak against the war.只有少数人敢于表达反战的观点。They hurried north to antiwar protests.他们赶往北方参加反战抗议活动。Anti-war dissent erupted into organized demonstrations several times in the Johnson administration.约翰逊政府时期,反战呼声多次引发了有组织的示威游行。She has published a fierce anti-war polemic.她发表了一篇言辞激烈的反战文章。In an act of civil disobedience, the family sent its tax money to an antiwar organization.这家人将税款交给了一个反战组织,以此作为非暴力反抗。Protesters demonstrated against the war.抗议者进行反战游行。Opposition to the war grew rapidly.反战呼声越来越高。Wiggins says he's not a coward, but that he's philosophically opposed to war.威金斯说他不是懦夫,只是从哲学上来说他是反战的。There has been a lot of anti-war propaganda.一直有许多反战宣传。A peace activist had set herself on fire in protest over the government's involvement in the war.反战女子点火自焚,以抗议政府参战。At one point Seeger fell afoul of the US government for his anti-war actions.西格一度因他的反战行动触怒了美国政府。Anti-war demonstrators gathered in the city's main square.反战的示威人群聚集在市里的中心广场。Protesters staged an antiwar rally.抗议者举行了一次反战集会。Anti-war feeling has reached an all-time high. = There is strong feeling against the war. 反战呼声空前高涨。Antiwar activists were protesting in the streets.反战积极分子在街头抗议示威。He was part of the antiwar counterculture.他是反主流文化群体中持反战态度的一员。Opponents of the war say that civilian villages have been struck several times.反战人士说平民村庄屡遭袭击。They joined the antiwar/peace/feminist movement.他们加入了反战/和平/女权主义运动团体His disapproval of the war looks good to voters, but I bet it's just a pose.他的反战言论看起来很受选民欢迎,但我敢肯定他只是做做样子。




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