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词汇 反应
例句 We are all entirely responsible for our actions, and for our reactions.我们都对自己的行为和反应负全责。The Government response to it was firm.政府对此反应坚定。Party loyalists responded as they always do, waving flags and carrying placards.党的忠诚支持者们的反应一如既往,他们挥舞着旗帜,高举着标语牌。The odour of food may be a trigger for salivation.食物的香味可能引起流涎反应In the presence of abundance, the natural response is to gorge.面对丰盛的食物,正常的反应是大吃特吃。His criticisms, as I remember, were coldly received.据我记忆,他的批评得到的反应很冷淡。The letter provoked an angry response from the Trade Unions.信件激起各工会愤怒的反应They always try it on with a new teacher.他们经常跟新老师捣蛋以试探老师的反应The constant violence has blunted the human response to it.接连不断的暴行使人们的反应变得迟钝了。My brain slowly processed the fact that I was free to leave.我慢慢地才反应过来我可以自由地离开。Dogs respond to sounds that are too high for humans to hear.狗对人类听不见的高音有反应Jennifer responded with anger and played the martyr role.珍妮弗做出愤怒的反应,开始大倒苦水。Reactions to the announcement were somewhat mixed.人们对这一声明有些反应不一。My reflexes are slower now that I'm older.我现在老了,反应变慢了。In response, she stormed out of the room.她的反应是怒气冲冲地走出了房间。The police response sparked outrage in the community.警方的反应激起了民愤。He was bewildered by his daughter's reaction.他被女儿的反应给弄糊涂了。A teacher's automatic reaction is to correct mistakes in language.教师习惯性的反应是纠正语言上的错误。Given the situation, the police officer's reaction is understandable.在那种情况下,这位警员的反应是可以理解的。People reacted to the speech in different ways.人们对这次演说反应不一。My reaction was a sense of profound relief.我的反应是感到了极大的宽慰。Anger is not necessarily the most useful or acceptable reaction to such events.对于这种事,发火不见得是最有用或最能被接受的反应We like to present an extreme position to get people to react to it.我们喜欢表现得很极端来激起人们的反应The initial reaction of most participants is fear.多数参与者的最初反应是恐惧。The officer on the beat picks up information; hears cries for help; makes people feel safe.值勤警员注意观察情况,对救援呼叫及时反应,确保让百姓有一种安全感。This reaction creates hydrogen gas.这一反应能生成氢气。She has very quick reactions.反应很快。She reacted funnily to my question.她对我提的问题反应很古怪。This was a predictable reaction, given the bitter hostility between the two countries.考虑到这两个国家之间激烈的敌对情绪,这种反应是可以预见的。The police say the response has been far better than expected.警方称反应比预期好很多。He was provoked into a violent reaction by their taunts.他们的嘲笑激起了他猛烈的反应Its physical properties are relatively insensitive to pressure changes.其物理性质对于压力的变化反应比较迟钝。The pupils dilate in response to chemical stimuli.瞳孔放大是对化学刺激的反应These patients are responding well to the new drug.这些病人对新药的反应很好。Reactions were slowed by fatigue.反应因疲劳而变迟钝了。How did she react when you told her the news?你告诉她这消息时,她有何反应My automatic response was to pull my hand away.我不自觉的反应就是把手抽回。When I say something to you I expect an answer. 我跟你说话时,希望你能有反应They reacted with restraint.他们的反应有所节制。Teachers can't always respond effectively to problem behaviour.老师不一定总能对有问题的行为作出有效的反应




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