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词汇 刮胡子
例句 The razor slipped while he was shaving and he cut himself.刮胡子时剃须刀一滑,把自己划伤了。Most men hate the bother of shaving.大多数男士嫌刮胡子麻烦。I must have nicked myself when I was shaving this morning.我一定是今天早上刮胡子的时候刮破了脸。He shaves himself every morning before breakfast.他每天早饭前刮胡子Did you have a shave this morning?今天早上你刮胡子了吗?He shaves every morning before breakfast.他每天早饭前刮胡子I cut myself while shaving.刮胡子时把脸刮破了。Kenworthy withdrew into his bedroom, washed and shaved.肯沃西回到自己卧室,洗脸,刮胡子Johnson cut himself shaving.约翰逊刮胡子时刮伤了自己。He razors his beard every morning.他每天早晨刮胡子He nicked himself shaving.刮胡子的时候把自己脸给划伤了。He came across the man shaving alfresco.他碰到在户外刮胡子的那个男人。He lathered his face before shaving.刮胡子之前,他在脸上涂了肥皂泡沫。He cut himself shaving.刮胡子时把自己割破了。He'd nicked his chin, shaving.刮胡子的时候割到了下巴。He accidentally cut himself while shaving.刮胡子时不小心伤到了自己。How a man shaves may be a telling clue to his age.男人刮胡子的方式也许能泄露其年龄。Phil cut himself shaving this morning.今天早上菲尔刮胡子时割破了脸。I cut myself shaving with a blunt razor.我用一把钝剃刀刮胡子,刮破了脸。




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