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词汇 calculator
例句 Have a guess at the answer, then check it with your calculator.猜猜答案是多少,然后用计算器算算,检查一下是否正确。He tapped the numbers into the calculator.他把数字输入计算器。You should cross-check your answers with a calculator.你应该用计算器检查一下你的答案。Can I borrow your calculator?我能借用你的计算器吗?The calculator has a digital readout.这个计算器有一个数字显示屏。It's all right, I don't need a calculator. I can work it out in my head.没关系,我不需要计算器,我能心算出来。He had cheated in the test by using a calculator.他在考试时作弊,用了计算器。Candidates are not allowed to use a calculator in this exam.这次考试应试者不可以使用计算器。These first computers were equivalent in power to a modern calculator.这些最初的计算机与现代计算器功能等同。I totaled my expenses with a calculator.我用计算器算出开支的总金额。I always use a calculator to work out percentages.我总是用计算器来算百分比。Where's the, er, the calculator?计算器,嗯,在哪里呢?Does anyone have a calculator here?这里有没有人有计算机? The briefcase has separate pockets for your mobile phone and calculator.这个公文包内有分别放手机和计算器的小兜。You wouldn't, by any chance, have a calculator on you, would you?你或许没带计算器吧,是不是?This calculator will fit nicely/neatly in your shirt pocket.这个计算器放在你的衬衣口袋里大小刚刚好。I can't find my calculator – someone must have taken it.我找不到计算器了,一定是有人拿走了。Try doing the math without a calculator.试着不用计算器做数学题。The abacus was the precursor of the modern electronic calculator.算盘是现代电子计算器的前身。He is a rapid calculator.他是个算得很快的人。Candidates may use a calculator.考生可以使用计算器。He wonders why the digits on his calculator slope to the right.他不明白为什么他的计算器上面的数字向右倾斜。His new watch has a built-in calculator.他的新手表有一个内置计算器。We encourage students to multiply and divide without using a calculator.我们鼓励学生不用计算器来做乘除运算。We offered him the calculator for US$50.这计算机我们向他开价五十美元。Sam lifted the lid of his desk and took out a calculator.萨姆掀起课桌盖板,拿出一台计算器。Use a calculator to check your answers.用计算器来检查答案。I found a surplus store and bought a pocket calculator.我找到一家出售剩余物品的商店,买了一台袖珍计算机。You can borrow my calculator if you want.如果需要的话,你可以借用我的计算器。I can't work it out in my head-I need a calculator.我心算算不出来,需要使用计算器。She is tapping away on the calculator.她正在不停地轻敲着计算器进行计算。It might be more convenient to use a calculator, rather than adding the numbers yourself.用计算器也许比你自己加这些数字更省事。A calculator is an indispensable tool for solving these problems.计算器是解决这些问题的必要工具。The calculator is a tool, not a crutch; yet it is increasingly being used as a crutch by many children.计算器是工具,不是拐杖,可是现在很多孩子越来越依赖它。The calculator is rapidly replacing the abacus.计算器正在迅速取算盘而代之。She can reckon up a bill faster than any calculator.她算账单的速度比计算器都要快。It'll be quicker if I use a calculator for these sums.做这些算术题,使用计算器会更快些。This calculator can display only nine digits at a time.这个计算器一次只能显示九位数字。The store is offering a calculator as a free gift. 商场正在免费赠送计算器。




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