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词汇 calculations
例句 Have you taken all the variables into account in your calculations?在你的计算中有没有把所有的可变因素考虑进去?By some calculations, the population will reach 8 million soon.据一些人估算,人口很快将达到八百万。For the President, the calculations are equally difficult. If the peacekeeping operation goes wrong he risks appearing weak.对总统说来,局势同样难料。假如维和行动出了岔子,他就会显得无能。The calculations proved the earth was not flat.运算证明地球不是平的。You have to answer for any errors in the calculations.你得为计算中的任何错误负责。These figures are based on actuarial calculations of the risks involved.这些数字建立在对所涉及风险的精确计算之上。The calculations do not take into account any fluctuation in the share price.这些计算没有考虑到股价的波动。Howard did some rapid calculations on the back of an envelope.霍华德在信封背面很快地做了一下计算。My calculations make allowance for two paid employees.我的计算考虑到了两个拿工资的雇员。It wasn't any further than a mile and a half by his calculations.据他估计,还有一英里半路程,不会更远了。Here are my calculations. They're a little rough and ready as yet, but you'll get a general idea.这是我的计算结果,虽然目前还有点粗略,但你可以大概了解一下。Mickey sat at the kitchen table doing calculations on a scratch pad.米基坐在厨房餐桌旁,在拍纸簿上计算着。These calculations are beyond the capabilities of even the most advanced computers.即使最先进的计算机也无法完成这些运算。Computers can make short work of complex calculations.计算机能够迅速完成复杂的计算。I must have gone astray somewhere in my calculations.我一定是在计算过程的哪一步中弄错了。He's very accurate in his calculations.他的计算非常准确。We've had to make some adjustments to our original calculations.我们必须对最初的计算作些调整。In doing our calculations we need to factor in inflation.计算时,我们应该把通货膨胀纳入考虑范围。I may have erred in my calculations.我可能算错了。I made an error in my calculations.我犯了个计算错误。We need to factor inflation into our calculations.我们应该把通货膨胀纳入计算。Something seems to have gone adrift in our calculations.我们的计算好像有什么地方出了问题。The cost of hiring equipment should be built into your calculations.租设备的费用你必须计算在内。Dee looked at the bill and made some rapid calculations.迪看着账单很快地算了算。Her calculations were astray.她的计算不正确。I don't think I made a mistake. I checked and double-checked all my calculations.我认为自己没有出错。所有计算我检查了一遍,又复查了一遍。There must be an error in our calculations.我们的计算肯定有错。She did some quick calculations in her head. 她在脑子里快速进行了计算。Scientists were able to locate the star by making a few minor adjustments to their original calculations.科学家将他们原来的计算稍作调整,便能确定该恒星的方位。Microprocessors do the calculations in the twinkling of an eye.微处理器在瞬间即可完成计算。Any small interruption is likely to throw off my calculations.一点点的打扰就会使我计算出错。The computer repeats a set of calculations.计算机重复着一组运算。NASA discovered a mathematical error in its calculations.美国国家航空航天局在它的计算结果中发现了一个数学错误。They seem to have already factored a tax like this into their calculations.他们在计算时似乎已将这一税种考虑在内。He got all his calculations wrong.他全都算错了。No offence intended, but are you sure your calculations are right?请不要见怪,但你确定你的计算准确无误吗?The machine does the calculations in binary.这种机型以二进制进行计算。He was out in his calculations, so there was a lot of carpet left over.他算错了,所以地毯还剩下很多。The scientist's calculations proved exactly right.那位科学家的计算结果完全正确。The results of our accountant's calculations show that we are on the verge of bankruptcy.我们的会计师算出的结果显示我们已几近破产。




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