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It is inconceivable that two nations so friendly for centuries should now be at war.难以让人相信,几世纪来一直友好相处的两个国家现在竟然兵戎相见。Why can't you agree together?为何你们不能在一起友好相处? The keystone of their foreign policy is friendliness to all nations.他们外交政策的基本原则是和所有国家都友好相处。Try to keep on good terms with everyone at your place of employment.在工作单位要尽量与大家友好相处。They have been friendly with each other for many years.他们友好相处已有多年。There was a lot of cheerful bonhomie amongst the people on the trip.一路上,人们友好相处。By and large the Poles and Germans of the city had shown that they could rub along together.总的来说,城里的波兰人和德国人能友好相处。Relationships between the staff and the prisoners are good.狱警和犯人友好相处。 |