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词汇 叉子
例句 I stabbed at my meat with my fork.我用叉子戳肉。Prick the potatoes with a fork before cooking them.烹饪前先用叉子叉一下马铃薯。Her mother opened the oven door and poked a fork into the turkey skin.她妈妈打开烤箱门,用叉子戳进火鸡皮里。Prick the sausages with a fork.叉子戳戳香肠。Mash to a purée with a fork and leave to cool.叉子将其捣成泥并晾凉。Beat the egg with a fork.叉子搅打鸡蛋。Then plonk, down went the fork.然后啪的一声,叉子掉了下来。The meat is so tender you can cut it with a fork.这肉特别嫩,用叉子切都行。Carry on beating the eggs with a fork until they're light and fluffy.继续用叉子打鸡蛋,直到它变得又薄又松。Ann forked some fish into her mouth.安用叉子叉了点儿鱼肉放进嘴里。Claude put down his fork and glared across the table.克劳德放下叉子,朝着桌子的对面嗔目而视。His fork clanged against the plate.他的叉子碰在盘子上,叮当作响。I spiked a potato on my fork and swallowed it.我用叉子戳住一个土豆,一口吞了下去。One of the fork's tines was bent.叉子的一个尖齿弯了。Waiter, could I please have a new fork? This one is dirty.服务生,能给我一个新叉子吗?这个叉子不干净。Mash the bananas with a fork.叉子把香蕉捣烂。Most vegetables should be eaten with a fork but asparagus can be properly eaten with the fingers.大多数蔬菜要用叉子吃,不过用手拿芦笋吃是合规矩的。He speared a meatball with his fork.他用叉子叉起一个肉丸。He forked an egg onto a piece of bread and folded it into a sandwich.他用叉子叉了个鸡蛋放在面包上,然后把面包片折起做成了三明治。Pierce the skin of the potatoes with a fork.叉子在土豆皮上扎眼儿。Farmers cut the hay, fork it on to a cart and then store it in barns.农夫们割下干草,用叉子把草叉到车上,然后拉到谷仓贮存。There were no forks in the inventory.清单里没有叉子You put the fork on the left and the knife on the right. They should be the other way around. 你把叉子放在了左边,刀放在了右边。它们应该互换位置。I speared a piece of meat with my fork.我用叉子叉起一块肉。She prodded the cake with her fork to see if it was cooked.她用叉子戳了戳蛋糕看是不是做好了。She sank her fork into the pie.她把叉子插进馅饼里。Steam the corn until it can easily be pierced with a fork.把玉米蒸到用叉子可以轻易扎透为止。Bake the fish until it flakes easily when tested with a fork.把鱼烤到用叉子一碰就散成小块的程度。The boy curled the spaghetti around his fork.男孩用叉子卷起意大利细面条。She poked at her food with a fork.她拿叉子拨弄着食物。Remove rind from the cheese and work it to a firm paste, with a fork.将奶酪的外皮去掉,用叉子将其压成硬硬的膏状。He stabbed the piece of meat with a fork. = He stabbed the fork into the piece of meat.他用叉子叉住了一块肉。She popped a balloon with her fork.她用叉子戳破了一个气球。She prodded a bean with her fork.她用叉子戳住一颗豆子。You put the fork on the right and the knife on the left. They should be the other way around. 你把叉子放在了右边,刀放在了左边。应该反过来放。Stir butter into the couscous and fluff up with a fork.将黄油拌进蒸粗麦粉里,用叉子打松。The chef twirled the noodles around his fork.厨师用叉子缠起面条。He stabbed himself with the prongs of a fork.他用叉子的尖齿戳伤了自己。She stabbed the meat with her fork.她用叉子叉肉。Pull the meat apart with two forks.用两把叉子把肉分开。




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