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例句 When I told him about my plans, my father raised one objection after another.我把我的计划告诉父亲,他提出了一个又一个的反对意见。Yesterday's decision was another shattering blow.昨天的决定是又一个毁灭性打击。She was caught in a mesh of her own lies.她陷入了自己编造的一个又一个谎言中。When we were young life was just one long round of parties/pleasure.我们年轻时,生活的内容好像就是一个又一个聚会/一件又一件令人开心的事情。In school he was a big fish in a small pond, but once he moved to the city he was just another struggling actor.在学校他还算个人物,可一旦进了城,他就只是城里又一个奋斗中的演员了。He was a genius, a pioneer who moved from one new field to the next.他是一位天才,一位开辟一个又一个崭新领域的先驱。I can't help feeling that this may just be another of her schemes.我不免觉得这可能只是她的又一个诡计。Another restless night followed, but she determinedly settled down to work again the next morning.又一个不眠之夜,但是第二天早上她还是决意继续专心工作。He became fodder for the tabloids when scandal after scandal was revealed.一个又一个丑闻被曝光后,他成了花边小报的素材。He's just another Washington pol.他不过是华盛顿的又一个政客。They regarded him as just another dime-store philosopher.他们只是把他看作是又一个二流哲学家。Television has provided the evangelists with yet another platform for their proselytizing.电视给福音派传教士提供了又一个用来改变他人信仰的讲坛。He always seems to be lurching from one crisis to another.他似乎接连不断地陷入一个又一个的危机。His racial background was a second strike against him.种族背景是他的又一个不利因素。This university has produced a ~ of fine mathematicians.这所大学培养了一个又一个优秀的数学家。The foreign minister's visit can be taken as one more indicator that the relationships between the two countries are improving.外长的访问可以被看作是又一个信号,说明两国关系在改善。She's a serious actress and not just another glamour girl. 她是一位很敬业的演员,并非只是又一个衣着入时的漂亮女郎。It was just another dodge to get out of working.这只不过是逃避工作的又一个伎俩。He sailed in with one question after another.他开始进攻,提出了一个又一个的问题。She wasn't looking forward to the interminable winter nights, alone in the cabin.她可不想一个人孤苦伶仃地在这小木屋度过一个又一个寒冷的冬夜。It sounds like just another crazy money-making scheme.这听上去像是又一个疯狂敛钱的阴谋。I'm sure she'll be bagged as another whining whinger.我肯定她会遭到嘲笑,被看成又一个哼哼唧唧的牢骚虫。The Cabinet egg-danced from one crisis to another.内阁迂回曲折地渡过一个又一个危机。Andrew was on his well-trodden path to conquering another willing lady.安德鲁在用他惯用的手法征服又一个心甘情愿的小姐。It was just another excuse for them to bash social workers.这只是他们公开抨击社会工作者的又一个借口。These delays are just another instance of bureaucratic inefficiency.这些延误只不过是官僚主义效率低下的又一个例证。This youngster is another destined to leave these shores.这个年轻人是又一个注定要离开这个国家的人。He was just another victim of the rumour mill.他只是谣言工厂的又一个牺牲品。It's just another one of her batty ideas.这只是她的又一个怪点子。The state government has lurched from one budget crisis to another.州政府陷入一个又一个的预算危机。The politicians simply flitted from one madcap scheme to another.政客们只是蜻蜓点水般辗转于一个又一个疯狂的计划之间。Blake had grown much quieter – another sign of his advancing years.布莱克话比过去少多了 — 这是年纪大的又一个迹象。West Indies put the seal on another glorious cricket season with their victory against England.西印度群岛队战胜英格兰队,就此锁定了又一个辉煌的板球赛季。Another major problem was dumped into her lap.又一个老大难问题突然推给她去处理。I was determined not to become just another one of his conquests.我打定主意决不成为他的又一个性俘虏。This report is being used as yet another stick to beat nurses with.这份报告正在被用作责罚护士的又一个凭据。She flits from one exotic location to another.她辗转于一个又一个有异国风情的地方。The government was gushing with plans for future oil development.政府一股劲地拿出一个又一个今后发展石油工业的计划。This was just another media channel, a way of pushing content out to people.这不过是又一个媒体渠道,向受众提供一些粗制滥造的东西。They had faced one difficulty after another with bravery and dedication.他们以无畏和无私奉献的精神迎接了一个又一个的困难。




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