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Celebrity teams pit their wits against each other in this lively quiz show.名人参赛队在这一妙趣横生的智力游戏节目中互相斗智较量。The contest was very uneven - the other team was much stronger than us.比赛很不平等——对方参赛队的实力比我们强很多。The Russian chess team routed all the rest.俄罗斯国际象棋队把其他参赛队都打了个落花流水。There is fierce competition for places on the Olympic team.入选奥运会参赛队的竞争激烈。Of all the teams participating in the competition, I think the Oxford team will bear off the palm.在所有参赛队中,我认为牛津队将得胜。Wilkins was unhappy about being left off the U.S. Olympic team.威尔金斯被踢出美国的奥运会参赛队,感到很不高兴。Both, allegedly, were bunged by the foreign team.据说两人都被外籍参赛队贿赂了。They look good enough to trouble most teams in the competition.他们看起来状态很好,足以让大多数的参赛队头疼。 |