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例句 The assassination attempt has definitely spoilt the previously positive atmosphere between the opposing parties.这次刺杀行动无疑破坏了这两个敌对政党之间原本友好的气氛。He also had made it a practice to dine there regularly, though he would have preferred being at home.他也习惯了经常在那里就餐,虽然他原本更喜欢在家吃的。We would have come if you had given us longer notice.你要是早一些通知我们的话,我们原本是会来的。Today was supposed to have been sunny, but it's raining.原本以为今天是晴天,结果却下起了雨。Spurs could have had several goals but for some brilliant saves from John Hallworth.要不是约翰·霍尔沃思几次精彩的扑救,热刺队原本可以射进好几个球。The book is selling decently but we were expecting it to sell better.这本书卖得不错,但我们原本期望它能卖得更好。Dennis White scored the only goal in an otherwise forgettable game.丹尼斯‧怀特射进了原本平淡无奇的比赛中的唯一一粒进球。The cat leapt onto the kitchen counter and gobbled up the smoked salmon intended for dinner.那只猫跳上厨房的料理台,把原本备作晚餐的烟熏三文鱼吃了个精光。The trousers shrank when I washed them, but they weren't really big enough in the first place.这条长裤洗过后缩水了,但是它原本就不够大。A bullet meant for Riley snuffs out a passing gangster.一枚原本射向赖利的子弹意外击毙了一个路过的暴徒。The plaster on the walls has been removed to expose the original bricks underneath.墙上的灰泥已被除去,露出了里面原本的墙砖。Even children who are healthy to begin with wouldn't survive long in these terrible conditions.在如此恶劣的条件下,即使是身体原本很健康的孩子也活不了多久。We planned a picnic but, as it happened, it rained that day. 我们原本安排了野餐,可碰巧那天下雨了。I meant to buy some milk, but it completely slipped my mind.原本想买些牛奶,可是忘得一干二净。We were assured that the prisoners were being well treated, when in point of fact they were living in terrible conditions.我们原本得到保证,犯人们的待遇不错,但实际上他们的生活条件非常恶劣。Was it just a temporary blip on an otherwise healthy growth curve?这是否是原本良好的增长曲线中暂时的偏离?We planned a picnic, but the weather was uncooperative. 我们原本打算去野餐,可惜天公不作美。What was meant to be a harmless wind-up ended up with the sacking of three men yesterday.原本只是想开开玩笑罢了,并无恶意的,结果却弄到昨天有三个人被开除。I would not have given him houseroom, but Sylvia desperately wanted him back.原本不想让他待在家里,可是西尔维娅特别想要他回来。Unfortunately, the simplicity of this message is almost lost within his constant management-speak.不幸的是,这条原本简单明了的信息经他那惯常的官腔一说简直不知所云。The lesson was originally pitched to younger students. 这一课原本是为更低一级学生设计的。The project was well-funded until a few companies pulled their sponsorship.在几家公司撤回赞助款之前,这个项目原本资金充足。She has lost a lot of weight, and she wasn't very heavy to begin with.她体重减了不少,而且原本她就不是很重。They were due to perform a duet last year but fell out during rehearsals.去年他们原本打算表演二重唱,但在排练中闹翻了。It would have been so easy to glance away and pretend he hadn't seen where Waite was standing.移开目光假装没有看见韦特站在哪儿,这样做对他来说原本轻而易举。He had originally intended to stay in the country for only a year or two.原本只打算在这个国家待一两年。He wanted to say goodbye to you.原本想和你说再见的。His character provides a little comic relief in what is otherwise a very serious and dramatic movie.他的角色给原本一部非常严肃和激动人心的电影增添了一点喜剧元素作为调剂。The act was originally passed as a safeguard against tax evasion.该法案原本是作为预防逃税的措施而被通过的。The decorations for the games have lent a splash of colour to an otherwise drab city.为运动会所作的装扮给原本毫无生气的城市增添了一抹亮色。Violence may have been averted with a greater police presence.如果出动了更多的警力,暴力行为原本可能避免。They've disappointed me. I expected better from them. 他们让我很失望。我原本期待他们有更好的表现呢。The company has gone from being an outsider in the market to being a market leader.这家公司原本在市场上无足轻重,现已成为市场的领头羊。Intended to be the world's largest casino, it now stands as an eyesore near the big tourist and convention hotels of New Orleans.原本是要成为世界最大的赌场的,现在矗立在新奥尔良的大型观光和会议酒店的附近,显得十分碍眼。Originally it was a bedroom, but we turned it into a study.原本是间卧室,但我们把它改成了书房。They originally planned to fix their old car, but they decided to buy a new one instead.他们原本打算修好旧车,但最终决定买辆新的。She flatters herself that she could have been a model.她自信原本是可以当模特儿的。You didn't need to give me any more money you know, but thank you.你看你原本不必再给我钱的,但还是要谢谢你。The company was originally an offshoot of Bell Telephones.该公司原本是贝尔电话公司的一家分支机构。He'd been plucked from obscurity and thrust into the national spotlight.原本默默无闻的他一下子变成了全国关注的对象。




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