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词汇 adversary
例句 Trembling inside, I stepped out of the car and pulled myself up to my full height to face my adversary.我内心在颤抖,下了车还是昂首挺胸面对我的敌人。He saw her as his main adversary within the company.在他眼中,她是他在公司中的头号对手。He feared that his adversary would spoil things for him.他担心他的敌人会坏他的事。In the second round she faces an adversary who will provide a much sterner test of her skill.在第二轮,她面对的对手将会更严峻地考验她的技术。Symes grabbed his adversary by the throat and wrestled him to the ground.赛姆斯掐住对手的喉咙,将他摔倒在地上。He lost out to his left-wing adversary.他败于他的左翼对手。The British considered him a worthy adversary.英国人视他为劲敌。The soldier dismounted his adversary.士兵把他的对手打下马。Brook was Baldwin's most dangerous and consistent adversary.布鲁克是鲍德温最危险也是最顽固的对手。Politics in the U.S. is an adversary process.美国的政治乃是对手之间的角逐。The perpetual need is to stay awake as long as we confront a powerful adversary.只要我们面临一个强大的敌手,就必须永远保持警惕。He has to pit his wits against an adversary who is cool, clever and cunning.他不得不与一个冷静、聪明而又狡猾的对手斗智。




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