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词汇 卡车
例句 The truck was trundling along the escarpment of the Zambesi valley.卡车正沿着赞比西河谷的陡崖缓慢行驶。The truck swerved and hit a stationary vehicle.卡车急转弯撞到了一辆停着的车。The lorry had shed its load under the bridge.那辆卡车在桥下撒落了货物。The trucks tried to drive to the British base, running the gauntlet of marauding bands of gunmen.卡车队试图冲过几帮劫匪的火力网开赴英军基地。Lorries rumbled past, splashing them with muddy water.卡车隆隆驶过,溅了他们一身泥水。A lorry had shed a load of gravel across the road.一辆卡车在路上掉下了一堆碎石。The truck chewed up the grass.卡车把草地压坏了。The patrolman stepped out in front of the truck to flag it down.巡警走出来站到卡车前面,挥手示意让它停下。The truck swerved violently and went into a wall.卡车突然猛地转向,撞到了墙上。Certain truck gasoline tanks can rupture and burn in a collision.某些卡车的油箱在碰撞时可能发生爆裂并起火。The moving van is a monster of a truck.这辆搬家车是辆巨型卡车She crossed the centre / center line and hit an oncoming truck.她越过中心线,撞上了一辆迎面而来的卡车A truck nearly ran me off the road.一辆卡车差点儿把我挤出马路。A truck came grinding up the hill.卡车嘎嘎响着慢慢驶上了山。The truck rolled on at full speed.那辆卡车全速向前奔驰。The truck lurched sideways.卡车突然歪向一边。The extra weight slowed the truck.超重使卡车低速行驶。We got a ride in an ancient truck.我们乘坐了一回老古董式卡车The truck had hit a wall.卡车撞上了一面墙。The driver carefully jockeyed the truck into a narrow space in the crowded parking lot.司机小心翼翼地将卡车停进拥挤的停车场中一个狭窄车位。The truck was carrying a light load.这辆卡车负载很轻。The truck left deep ruts in the muddy ground.卡车在泥泞的地面留下深深的车辙。I got stuck behind a truck on the way to the airport.开车到机场去时,我一路上都被堵在一辆卡车的后面。We heard the occasional rumble of a passing truck.我们偶尔听到卡车驶过的隆隆声。One armoured column attempted to blast a path through a barricade of buses and trucks.一个武装纵队试图从公交车和卡车组成的路障中间炸出一条通道来。The lorries go there to unload.这些卡车去那儿卸货。The trucks carried medicine and other supplies across the border.卡车运送药品和其他日常用品穿越边境。We loaded the equipment and put a cover over the truck bed.我们把设备装上了卡车,并用苫布把车厢盖好。They trucked food to the market.他们用卡车将食品运到市场。The truck kept going and disappeared from view.卡车继续行驶,消失在视野之外。The dealer keeps a large inventory of used cars and trucks.这位经销商有大量的二手轿车和卡车库存。A truck drove close behind me and flashed its headlights.一辆卡车紧跟在我身后,闪着大灯。He had survived a spectacular crash in a truck race.他在一次卡车比赛的惨烈撞车事故中幸免于难。They are loading the truck now.他们此时正在给卡车装货。There is a rule prohibiting a truck from carrying goods on its return haul.有一条禁止卡车在回程载运货物的规定。The lorry was loaded with bales of hay.卡车上装满大捆干草。I've got half a ton of gravel in the lorry but he won't sign my delivery note.我的卡车里装着半吨沙砾,但他不给我签收送货单。He has cars and trucks, and even though the former are easier to drive, the latter are more useful.他有轿车和卡车,虽然前者比较好开,可后者更实用。The truck got bogged down in the mud.卡车陷进泥浆中。The truck rammed into a tree.卡车撞上了一棵树。




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