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词汇 博学
例句 She made an imposing display of knowledge.她显示出令人叹服的博学One does not need to be a highbrow to read this book.并不一定是博学的人才能读这本书。Two local high school hoopster have been selected for the All-Canada evaluation camp this weekend at Humber College in Toronto.有两个本地高中篮球运动员入选了本周在多伦多汉博学院举办的全加拿大篮球评价营。He is a learned jurist, who has written several books on civil law.他是个博学的法学家,著有好几本有关民事法的书。She is intelligent and extremely well-read.她很聪明,而且极为博学He is learned, but neither stuffy nor pedantic.他很博学,但既不妄自尊大也不卖弄学问。He is one of his government's most erudite critics.他是最博学的政府批评者之一。He was clever, well read and interested in the arts.他聪明博学,对艺术很感兴趣。




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