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词汇 南下
例句 Past the border the river takes a dip to the south.流经边界后,河流转向南下She was on her way south to the fashionable seaside resort of Biarritz.她正在南下前往时髦人士常去的比亚里茨海滨胜地。Thousands of Scottish fans will be travelling down to London for the big match.成千上万的苏格兰球迷南下到伦敦观看这场重大比赛。They started off in a southerly direction.他们动身南下He went south to climb Taishan, a mountain sacred to the Chinese.南下去爬泰山了,那是中国人心目中一座神圣的山。Tina was taking the train south to visit her sister.蒂娜正乘火车南下去看她的姐姐。I went down to L.A. all the way from Seattle.我从西雅图一路南下到洛杉矶。She lives in New York, but goes down to Florida every winter.她住在纽约,但每年冬天南下去佛罗里达。I'm taking the midnight train south.我准备坐午夜的火车南下We drove down from New York.我们从纽约驱车南下We're moving down to London.我们要南下搬到伦敦去了。Mark and I are driving south this Thursday.这个星期四我和马克要驾车南下They went down to Florida for two weeks.他们南下佛罗里达州住了两个星期。They go down to Florida every winter.他们每年冬天南下去佛罗里达。I had motored down from Cheshire.我从柴郡一路南下开过来。The army may push southwards into the Kurdish areas.军队可能南下向库尔德地区挺进。They drove all the way down from Boston to Miami.他们开车南下从波士顿一直到迈阿密。




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