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词汇 单词
例句 There are some useful words and phrases at the end of each chapter in the Student's Book.学生用书中每一章的最后都有一些有用的单词和词组。She looked the word up in the dictionary.她在词典中查到这个单词The word can be spelled ten different ways. For consistency's sake, I'm going to use this spelling.这个单词有十种不同拼法,为了保持一致,我将使用这种拼法。There were quite a lot of words that I couldn't understand.有相当多的单词我不理解。Children often transpose letters when trying to spell unfamiliar words.孩子拼写不熟悉的单词时,经常会把字母顺序搞错。The letters of the words are scrambled. 这些单词的字母顺序被打乱了。I flagged any words I didn't know.我把不认识的单词标注出来。Fill in the missing words.填入所缺单词The word is considered standard.这个单词被认为是规范的。Definitions tell you the meanings of words; examples show you how the words are used.释义向你解释单词的意义;例句让你明白单词的用法。He tends to put the stress on the wrong words.他常常把不应该重读的单词重读。When arranged in the correct order, the letters will spell a word which you fill in on this grid.这些字母如果按正确顺序排列可以拼成一个单词,把这个单词填入这个方格里。The censors had blacked out several words.审查员涂掉了几个单词English is full of words that have been borrowed from other languages.英语中充满了从其他语言借用来的单词He ringed the words that were misspelled.他把拼错的单词圈了出来。These two words are almost interchangeable.这两个单词几乎可以互换。The words in square brackets should be deleted.方括号内的单词应该删掉。In Scrabble you score points by making words on the board.拼字游戏中,在板上拼出单词就能得分。The audience hears the word so many times during the play that presumably they learn what it means if they didn't already know.观众在这部戏演出期间听到这个单词这么多次,因此可以推断即使他们原先不懂,现在也已经知道它的意思了。He knows a few French words.他知道一些法语单词All you have to do to win is unscramble the words here to find four names of birds.只要你能从这些单词中找到四种鸟的名称你就赢了。You must sound your words more clearly.你的单词发音必须更清楚些。You can search the document for particular words or phrases, in order to get directly to the information you need.你可以在文件中搜寻单词或短语,以便直接获取所需信息。It is a word for which several derivations have been suggested.这是一个使人联想到多个词源的单词I didn't know the word in Japanese so I drew a little picture.我不知道怎么用日语表达这个单词,于是便画了幅小小的图。The word has slipped into disuse.这个单词逐渐停用了。He could only understand a word here and there.他只明白零星几个单词的意思。The teacher introduced the new vocabulary words and then used a game as a reinforcement. 老师讲解了这些新单词的使用,接着通过游戏进一步巩固。The computer can tell you the number of times a word occurs in a piece of writing such as a book.电脑能告诉你某个单词在一本书等的文字作品中出现的次数。Syntax describes the rules by which words can be combined into sentences, while semantics describes what they mean.句法描述单词组成句子的规则,而语义学则描述它们的意义。Meditation involves focusing the mind on a single object or word.冥想需要把思想集中在一个物体或单词上。Look up any words you don't know in a dictionary.有不认识的单词就查词典。When faced with an unfamiliar word, good readers are able to make guesses based on the meaning and structure of the sentence.善于读书的人遇见不熟悉的单词会根据句子的含义和结构去猜。Many words have more than one sense.许多单词有不止一个意思。The two words are pronounced identically.这两个单词发音相同。Many words have developed more than one meaning. 许多单词现在已有多种含义。I should by rights speak German, but I only know a few words.照理我该说德语,但我只会一些单词而已。Mark the primary stress in each word.标出每个单词的主重音。Can you read the words on this page?请你读一读这一页上的单词好吗?Words can be categorised into verbs, nouns, adjectives etc.单词可以分为动词、名词、形容词等。




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