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词汇 单亲
例句 We want the government to take notice of what we think they should do for single parents.我们希望政府能够关注单亲父母,为他们做一些应该做的事。Single parents take it hard when their children act up.孩子捣蛋时,单亲父母会觉得很难办。Children universally prefer to live in peace and security, even if that means living with only one parent.孩子们普遍愿意过平静安宁的生活,即便这意味着只能与单亲生活在一起。Joe still has no concept of what it's like to be the sole parent.乔对当单亲家长是什么滋味还没有任何概念。Trying to make it as a single parent raising your children would be the main concern to me these days.我现在最关心的事情就是作为一个单亲家长,努力把自己的孩子抚养长大。She spoke generally about the challenges of being a single parent.她大致讲了一下单亲父母所面临的挑战。The new regulations are supposed to help single parents.这些新规定旨在帮助单亲家长。It is a group providing self-help for single parents.这是一个为单亲父母提供自助的团体。The government seems to have softened its attitude towards single parents.政府对单亲父母的态度好像软化了。I have had an enormous number of letters from single parents.我已经收到了大量单亲家长的来信。I was bringing up my three children as a single parent.我作为单亲家长养育着我的三个子女。It's hard not to sympathize with the plight of single parents in today's world.在现在这个世界上,很难做到不去同情单亲父母的困境。Being a single parent is no picnic, I can tell you.我跟你说,做个单亲父母决非易事。Single mothers have been given preferential access to council housing.单亲母亲被授予了优先享用市政会公房的权利。In general, employers do little to help the single working mother.一般而言,雇主很少为工作的单亲妈妈提供帮助。There are more single parents today than at any time in history.今天,单亲父母比历史上任何时候都多。




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