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词汇 半点
例句 No one, I imagine, finds those figures in the least surprising.我认为,没人会觉得那些数字有半点意外。Young people nowadays just don't have any horse sense.当今的年轻人就是没有半点常识。There's not a particle of truth in what he says.他所说的没有半点是真的。There is no margin for error when making episodic TV.制作电视连续剧时不容半点差池。The train departed at half past the hour.半点时火车开了。I have my lunch at half past.半点的时候吃午饭。The clock strikes on the hour and the half hour.这只钟在正点和半点会敲响报时。The book is written without a hint of salaciousness.这本书里没有半点淫秽内容。This is not war as you learned it. It is brutal work, with no quarter given.这并不是你所了解的战争。它残酷无情,对人没有半点怜悯。If you say anything I'll clobber you.如果你走漏半点消息,我就狠狠揍你一顿。His attitude is compassionate without being pious.他的态度充满同情,无半点虚假。The actor phoned in his performance without a hint of personality.这个演员自然而然地表演,没有显露半点自己。Do not speak a word of this to anyone else. 别告诉其他人有关这件事的半点消息。She did none of the maintenance on the vehicle itself.她对车子本身没有进行半点养护。Be particularly fastidious about washing your hands before touching food.接触食物前尤其对洗手不能有半点马虎。The film presents a straightforward choice between good and evil, with no shades of grey.这部电影在善恶之间的选择问题上泾渭分明,没有半点模棱两可的地方。There isn't an iota of truth in what he says.他的话没有半点是真的。How could she know about that? He'd certainly never let drop any hint.她是怎么知道的?他绝对没有走漏半点风声。I would on no account authorize in my child the smallest degree of arrogance.我决不允许我的孩子有半点傲气。Tours start on the half hour. 观光游览每个半点开始一趟。




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