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词汇 千万别
例句 He says unkind things to everyone. Try not to take it personally. 他对每个人都出言不逊,千万别往自己身上扯。I'm not saying we should feel sorry for them: perish the thought.我不是说我们应该同情他们:千万别这么想。Don't marry that trivial young man, please.千万别嫁给那个浅薄轻浮的年轻人。Don't ever pull a stunt like that again!千万别再做那样的傻事了!Be sure not to let the truth slip.千万别把真相泄漏出去。Just don't mention it – it's always been a sore point with him.千万别提那件事,那一直是他的痛处。Never leave your dog off the leash outside a store.千万别把狗放在商店外面而不用绳子系住。Oh no, not another bloody crisis!噢,天哪,千万别再出现可怕的危机!Don't you track mud into this clean kitchen!千万别把泥脚印带进这个干净的厨房!For safety's sake, never stand directly behind a horse.为安全起见,千万别站在马的正后方。Never fool around with the clients' wives.千万别和客户的老婆乱搞。Don't get mad - I was only joking!千万别生气,我只是开开玩笑而已!You mustn't tell Jerry what I've bought.千万别告诉杰里我买了什么。You should never go cycling without a basic repair kit.如果没有基本的修理工具,千万别去骑自行车。If you find a bird's nest, never disturb the eggs.如果你发现鸟巢,千万别动那些鸟蛋。Never judge a person by his looks.千万别以貌取人。Don't think for a minute that I'm jealous.千万别以为我嫉妒了。Don't let it slip that we hadn't planned on inviting her.千万别说漏嘴,我们没打算邀请她。For goodness' sake don't let her know I told you!行行好,千万别让她知道是我告诉你的!You read her diary? Just make sure she never finds out!你看了她的日记了?可千万别让她发现!Please give over crying. Do give over!请别哭了,千万别再哭!Never accept lifts from strangers.千万别搭乘陌生人的车。You must never tell a living soul about this.这件事你千万别告诉任何人。I beg you. Please, don't leave me here alone.我求你了,请千万别把我一个人留在这儿。Never try to overtake on a bend.千万别在转弯处超车。Never pad out your essay with irrelevant details.千万别用不相干的细节来拉长文章。Never trust cheap locks like these.千万别相信这种廉价的锁。Children's fears should never be dismissed lightly.对于儿童的恐惧千万别不当回事儿。Make sure you don't mark the walls while you're moving the furniture around.移动家具时,千万别碰坏了油漆。Your competitors may have access to the company intranet, so never discuss commercially sensitive issues on-line.你的竞争对手可能会进入公司内部网络,所以千万别在网上讨论商业上的敏感话题。We mustn't feed indigestibles to the animals.我们千万别拿难消化的食物去喂动物。You mustn't forget to send her a card.千万别忘了给她寄贺卡。Never accept a ride with people who have been drinking.千万别搭喝了酒的司机开的车。Never give your name or number when you answer the phone.接电话千万别说出你的名字或电话号码。




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