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Hearing her sing sends shivers down my spine.听她唱歌我十分激动。They demanded in a very excited and aggressive manner that they be should taken to Christmas Island.他们情绪十分激动并且态度嚣张,要求被送往圣诞岛。She was voluble with excitement.她十分激动,说个不停。He was thrilled about being asked to play.有人邀请他参加演出,他十分激动。Everyone is in a state of great excitement.每个人都十分激动。He could see she was choking up.他能看出她情绪十分激动。His voice rose to a note of passion.他的嗓门提高,语气变得十分激动。I felt quite emotional during the wedding ceremony.在婚礼上我十分激动。 |