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词汇 医务人员
例句 She will forever be indebted to the hospital staff for saving her son's life.她将永远感激那些挽救了她儿子生命的医务人员Hospital workers were not to blame for a nine-year-old's death, a court decided yesterday.法庭昨天判定,医务人员对一名九岁儿童的死亡并无过错。In those days, medical people were the main determiners of which kind of special school a child should be sent to.在那个时候,孩子应该送到何种特殊学校,主要由医务人员说了算。Guerrilla fighters seized the hospital yesterday, taking patients and staff hostage, although several dozen were later released.昨天游击队员占领了那家医院,将病人和医务人员扣为人质,然而后来有几十名人质被释放。These proposals are unpopular with most of the medical profession.这些提议在多数医务人员中都不受欢迎。There's a shortage of medical staff, so a lot of the doctors here are from abroad.医务人员短缺,所以这里的许多医生都来自国外。They entered the building disguised as medical workers.他们假扮成医务人员进入了大楼。The medical staff here work selflessly and tirelessly, seven days a week.这里的医务人员一周七天孜孜不倦、无私地工作着。Beds are arranged so that patients can watch the comings and goings of visitors and staff,床位的摆放可以让病人看到进进出出的访客和医务人员The risk of infection is confined to medical personnel.只有医务人员有受感染的风险。Many of the patients are closely dependent on staff for day-to-day emotional support.患者中很多人都非常依赖医务人员每天给他们情感上的支持。The staff nursed me back to health. 医务人员对我悉心照料直到康复。Health workers reported that medicines and basic equipment were in short supply.医务人员报告说,药品和基本设施供应不足。Reducing the number of staff is certain to inflame the already angry medical profession.裁员一定会使本已不满的医务人员更加愤怒。A guide for hospital staff will be published shortly, covering everything from simple hygiene to security regulations.一本供医务人员使用的手册即将出版,书中介绍了从简单的卫生保健到安全规章等各种事项。He was revived from a coma by ambulance officers.他被救护车上的医务人员从昏迷中救醒了。As we left the hospital he joked with the staff.我们离开医院时,他和医务人员开着玩笑。Good hand hygiene by hospital staff is vital in preventing infection.医务人员良好的手部卫生对于预防感染是至关重要的。The level of competence among hospital staff was not as high as expected.医务人员的水准没有期望的那么高。She readily acknowledges her great indebtedness to the hospital staff for saving her son's life.她情真意切地对挽救她儿子生命的医务人员表示感激之情。In Europe the per capita supply of trained medical staff has increased dramatically.在欧洲,经过培训的医务人员人均量大幅度地增加了。Medical staff have been issued with new guidelines for working with HIV patients.已为医务人员提供了处理艾滋病人时要遵守的新准则。The attitude of the medical profession is very much more liberal now.现在,医务人员的态度开明多了。Hospital staff say he is a model patient.医务人员说他是一个模范病人。Orman received emergency treatment from medics on the pitch.奥曼在球场上接受了医务人员的紧急治疗。Medical staff, seeing that the child was in danger, decided to perform an operation.医务人员考虑到胎儿有危险,决定实施剖腹产手术。Health workers are angrily demanding higher pay.医务人员正怒气冲冲地要求增加工资。




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