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It is wrong to differentiate between pupils according to their family background.按家庭出身区别对待学生的做法是错误的。The Commission for Racial Equality teaches organizations not to discriminate.种族平等委员会告诫各家机构不要区别对待。Feminist writers, she claimed, had been ghettoized, their books placed on separate shelves in the shops.她声称女权主义作家被区别对待了,她们的作品都放在书店中单独的书架上。Mr Singh wanted to reserve places for low-caste Indians within the country's public sector, as a form of positive discrimination.辛格先生想在国家公共部门为下层印度人保留职位,这是一种积极的区别对待。The law provides that minors will be treated differently from adults.法律规定未成年人须与成年人区别对待。He treats them unequally.他把他们区别对待。Most school teachers do not consciously discriminate between their students.大多数学校教师都不会有意区别对待自己的学生。 |