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词汇 北方
例句 He got wind of my plan to travel north and asked if he could come with me.他听说我要去北方旅行,问我能否一道同行。I was amazed that virtually all the things I took for granted up north just didn't happen in London.几乎所有我认为在北方是理所当然的事情在伦敦都没有发生,这让我惊诧不已。Reports of civil unrest continue to come in from the northern provinces.国民骚乱的报道不断从北方各省传来。Government troops launched an offensive against UNITA positions in the north.政府军向争取安哥拉彻底独立全国联盟的北方阵地发动进攻。The violence in the North could spread down here.北方的暴力行为可能向南蔓延到这里。Most of the country's industry is concentrated in the north.该国的工业大部分集中在北方Was she willing to chuck everything to run north?她情愿抛弃一切跑到北方去吗?Any day now, the Northern forces may pour across the new border.北方的军队现在随时都可能大批越过新边界。Our goal is to establish a new research centre in the North.我们的目标是在北方建立一个新的研究中心。The North defeated the South in the American Civil War.美国内战中北方各州战胜了南方各州。Clashes between the rebels and government forces have broken out in the north.北方,叛乱者与政府军之间爆发了冲突。According to newspaper reports, fighting has broken out in the northern provinces.据报纸报道,战斗已在北方省份打响。He was assigned to the northern sector.他被委任负责北方战区。They then gazed northwards expectantly.于是他们满怀期待地望着北方The first snowstorm blew in from the north.第一场暴风雪从北方袭来。I am now quite reconciled to living in the north.我现在完全安心在北方居住了。In the North, Sung systematically purged those whom he considered a threat.北方,宋彻底铲除了他认为有威胁的人。He had come to Washington, not as a common carpetbagger, but a man well known.他来到了华盛顿,不是作为一个普通的北方投机分子,而是作为一个名人。There was widespread industrial unrest in the north.北方出现了大范围的行业动荡。Last summer, Northern Petroleum struck oil near Winchester.去年夏天,北方石油公司在温彻斯特附近钻探到了石油。The south of the country grows richer, while the north grows poorer.这个国家的南方越来越富,而北方却越来越穷。The north cannot achieve sustained economic development without the south, he added in his closing remarks.在结束语中他补充说,没有南方,北方就无法实现经济上的可持续发展。One by one these Northern States made known their desire for consolidation with the Union.这些北方州一个一个地公开了想与联邦统一的愿望。The North won in the Civil War.美国南北战争中北方打赢了。The team slipped to the foot of the Northern League table.该队成绩滑落到北方联赛垫底的位置了。Government troops have massed on the northern border.政府军已在北方边境集结。It cannot simply be argued that Spain leapfrogged to prosperity on the backs of her Northern neighbours.毫无疑问,西班牙是乘着北方邻国的东风才大步走向繁荣的。He settled in the North, but most of his kinfolk remained in the South.他在北方定居,但他的多数亲属仍留在南方。When his rent was raised, he made the fateful decision to move north.房租上涨,他作出重大决定,搬到北方去住。The climate in the north differs from the climate in the south.北方的气候和南方的气候迥然不同。It is interesting that the present recession is much deeper in the south than in the north.有意思的是目前的经济衰退在南方要比北方严重得多。Winter sets in early in the north.北方冬天来得早。At Opera North he will be in harness with Paul Daniel, the conductor appointed music director last year.北方歌剧公司,他将和去年指挥指定的音乐总监保罗·丹尼尔通力合作。My parents are coming up to visit me this weekend.我父母这个周末要来北方看我。Tropical colours may look rather harsh in our dull northern light.热带色彩在我们北方暗淡的光线下可能显得有点刺目。Frigid winds blew from the north.寒风从北方吹来。The National Youth Theatre is on tour in the North at present.国立青年剧院现正在北方巡回演出。Northern blacks gave the President particularly high grades.北方黑人高度评价总统。Westerners charged that the party was run by an unholy coalition between North and South.西部人指责说该党被北方和南方不同寻常的联盟所操控。The birds migrate from the North.鸟儿从北方迁徙至此。




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