例句 |
He hit him with a left hook to the jaw.他朝他的下巴来了一记左勾拳。He feinted with his right, then followed with a left hook.他用右拳虚晃一招,接着打了一个左勾拳。He leveled his opponent with a right hook.他以一记右勾拳将对手打倒在地。The boxer made a feint with his right, then followed with a left hook.拳击手用右拳虚晃一招,接着打了一个左勾拳。He hit his opponent with an uppercut to the chin.他一记上勾拳打在了对手的下巴上。He threw a right/left hook to his opponent's body.他冲着对手身体挥了一记右/左勾拳。 |