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词汇 勾引
例句 Did Tracy pull at the nightclub last night?昨晚特雷西在夜总会勾引到谁没?Stop throwing yourself at him. You'll look desperate.别再勾引他了。你会看上去太迫不及待了。She expressed no regret for seducing my husband.她表示不后悔勾引我丈夫。She went home with the handsome lawyer who'd been making a play for her at the dinner dance.她跟晚宴舞会上那个百般勾引她的英俊律师一起回家了。Supermodel Jane Bracknel plays a nubile temptress out to seduce him.超级名模简·布拉克内尔扮演一个性感女郎来勾引他。The seduction of rich men was a game that she loved to play.勾引富人是她钟爱的一个游戏。She had been seduced by a man who deserted her and went off to sea.她曾经被一个男人勾引,那人抛弃了她,出海去了。He tried to seduce her.他试图勾引她。He made a pass at his wife's friend.勾引妻子的朋友。Prostitutes solicited every well-dressed man who walked their way.妓女勾引每个朝她们走来的穿着体面的男人。I thought she was teasing, playing the innocent, but looking back, I'm not so sure.我当时以为她是在勾引我,装纯情,不过现在回想起来,我又说不准了。He has been accused of homosexual solicitation.他被控犯有勾引同性的罪行。Nancy wasn't sure if Dirk was making a pass at her.南希不确定德克是不是在勾引她。He felt that she was trying to seduce him.他觉得她在勾引他。A couple of blondes had been trying to make time with him at the bar.两个金发女郎在酒吧试图勾引他。Elaine kept forcing drinks on him all evening, and he wondered if she was trying to seduce him.伊莱恩整晚都在不停地强劝他喝酒,他怀疑她是否想勾引他。Some drunk at the bar was hitting on her.酒吧里有个醉汉在勾引她。She has set out to seduce Stephen.她已经开始勾引斯蒂芬了。Rick's the kind of guy who thinks every smile is a come-on.里克是那种认为笑一笑就是勾引的家伙。He is making advances towards the coquettish Letitia.他正在勾引卖弄风情的利蒂希亚。Few males can resist a self-confident seductress.很少有男人能抵挡住志在必得的女人的勾引He left her? Ha! That'll teach her to go chasing other women's husbands!他把她甩了,是吗?哈!那是她勾引有妇之夫应得的教训。When he told her she looked familiar, she assumed it was just a come-on and ignored him.他说她看上去很面熟时,她认为他只是在勾引她,所以没理他。She rejected his unwelcome advances.她拒绝了他的勾引,让他碰了一鼻子灰。She accused her friend of going after her husband.她指责朋友勾引她丈夫。The girl acts out her grief by trying to seduce every man she meets.那个女孩勾引所遇到的每个男人,以此来发泄悲痛。He certainly knows how to pull women.他的确懂得如何勾引女人。She complained that her boss has been coming on to her.她抱怨说老板一直勾引她。Former staff members have accused the senator of making uninvited sexual advances.那位参议员的前雇员们控告其挑逗勾引




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