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词汇 勇气
例句 His courage crumpled.他的勇气消失了。I salute their courage and wish them well.我向他们的勇气致敬,并祝福他们。He has shown courage in sticking up for democracy.他在捍卫民主方面展示了勇气She bore her final illness with great courage.她以巨大的勇气承受了最后的病痛。She had hidden reserves of courage.她内心蕴藏着勇气Hugo bore his illness with great courage and good humour.雨果以巨大的勇气和良好的精神状态面对疾病。This will try your courage.这对你的勇气将是一个考验。The people showed great courage, patience, and endurance during the long years of the war.在漫长的战争岁月里,人们表现出了巨大的勇气、耐心和忍耐力。In the face of continued threats, his courage failed him. 面对不断的威胁,他失去了勇气It takes a lot of nerve to report a colleague for sexual harassment.举报同事的性骚扰行为需要很大的勇气He experienced an infusion of boldness.他感到勇气倍增。This book is testimony to a very individual kind of courage.这本书是一种非凡勇气的证明。I admire his grit.我佩服他的勇气It takes a lot of nerve to start a new career.开始一项新事业需要很大的勇气Something gave me the strength to overcome the difficulty.有些事给了我克服困难的勇气Wooderson's courage earned him the respect of his fellows.伍德森的勇气赢得了同事的尊敬。She showed great bravery.她表现出极大的勇气I have/feel great admiration for her courage.我十分佩服她的勇气Although I can't help admiring the man's courage, I do not approve of his methods.尽管我不禁赞赏那个男子的勇气,但是我不赞成他的方法。He showed great calmness and courage under fire.他受到攻击时表现出极大的镇定和勇气The lion is a symbol of courage.狮子是勇气的象征。With characteristic rashness and valor, Peter plunged into the icy water.以他惯有的冲动和勇气,彼得一头扎进了冰冷的水中。I was going to ask her to the dance, but I lost my nerve.我想邀请她跳舞,可是又缺少勇气He has displayed remarkable courage.他展现了非凡的勇气They showed great courage when they found out about their baby's disability.发现自己的婴儿身有残疾时,他们表现出了巨大的勇气It took all her courage to face him out.她要鼓起全部勇气才能瞪眼镇住他。I cannot help but admire his courage.我不得不赞赏他的勇气The biography is a story of courage.这本传记是一部勇气史。I eventually plucked up enough courage to ask her for a date.我最终还是鼓足了勇气提出和她约会。They need great character, resilience and tenacity.他们需要有巨大的勇气、承受力和意志。She showed great courage.她表现出了极大的勇气His assurance that she would cope gave her fresh courage.他说她对付得了困难,这句表示鼓励的话给了她新的勇气At the last minute his courage failed him.他在最后一分钟失去了勇气She gradually regained the will to live.她渐渐恢复了活下去的勇气Her courage is an inspiration to us all.她的勇气激励了我们每一个人。Sandra is small, but she makes up for it with great spirit.桑德拉身材瘦小,但她巨大的勇气弥补了这一不足。He should be applauded for his courage.他的勇气值得称道。It was only by a supreme effort of will and courage that he was able to pull himself together.他全凭超凡的决心和勇气才使自己振作起来。It was an act of the utmost bravery and disregard for personal safety.这行动需要极大的勇气,并把个人安危置之度外。I admire your courage.我佩服你的勇气




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