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词汇 劳斯莱斯
例句 They drove around in Rolls-Royces, openly flaunting their wealth.他们开着劳斯莱斯到处转悠,公开炫耀他们的财富。Rolls-Royce needed a strong balance sheet.劳斯莱斯公司需要稳健的资产负债表。There's never been a jet engine to outclass the Rolls Royce Avon.还没有一种喷气发动机能与劳斯莱斯埃文发动机相媲美。This car is advertised as the poor man's Rolls Royce.这种车被广告宣传成穷人的劳斯莱斯The Rolls Royce purred down the country road.那辆劳斯莱斯沿着乡村小路咕隆隆地开走了。He had a Rolls-Royce, and he traded it in for two matching silver Range Rovers.他有辆劳斯莱斯,他把它折价贴换了两辆外形相配的银色路虎车。Rolls Royce must commit its entire resources to the project.劳斯莱斯公司必须将其全部资源投入这一项目中。The planes are powered by Rolls Royce engines.这些飞机由劳斯莱斯公司制造的发动机提供动力。Whilst a Rolls Royce is a very nice car, it is extremely expensive to maintain.劳斯莱斯虽然是非常不错的车,但保养这种车花费极大。We almost ran into a Rolls-Royce that pulled out in front of us without signalling.我们差点就撞上了一辆劳斯莱斯,它在我们前面没打信号就开了出来。Todd's magnificent Rolls Royce had been his pride and joy for many years.许多年来,托德那辆气派的劳斯莱斯车是他的快乐和骄傲。The Rolls Royce slowly nosed through the crowds, and drew up outside the hotel.这辆劳斯莱斯慢慢地驶过人群停在饭店外面。A Rolls Royce is seen as a status symbol.劳斯莱斯轿车被视为社会地位的象征。A huge Rolls Royce drove up.一辆车体庞大的劳斯莱斯汽车开了上来。Driving a Rolls Royce into a swimming pool was one of the most dangerous stunts Crawford had to perform.驾驶一辆劳斯莱斯汽车冲进游泳池是克劳福德表演过的最惊险的绝技之一。He drove a Rolls-Royce with a personalised number plate.他开一辆个性车牌的劳斯莱斯A Rolls Royce was parked outside, gleaming in the sunshine.一辆劳斯莱斯车停在外面,在阳光下熠熠生辉。Rolls Royces are very expensive.劳斯莱斯汽车价格昂贵。




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