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词汇 助长
例句 Newspapers should not publish material that is likely to encourage discrimination.报纸不应该刊登可能会助长歧视的内容。The genuine protestors were joined by outside agitators, intent on encouraging violence.旨在助长暴力的局外煽动者加入了真正的抗议者队伍。Don't encourage her laziness by doing things for her.别替她做事,这会助长她的懒惰。The president called foreign aid a handout that fosters dependence on wealthy nations.总统认为外援是不劳而获之财,会助长本国对富国的依赖性。The extreme right-wing National Front promoted anti-Semitism.极右翼的民主阵线助长了反犹情绪。It will put a premium on drinking in the district.这将助长地区内的酗酒风气。Poor hygiene encourages the spread of disease.恶劣的卫生状况助长了疾病的传播。Violent TV programmes encourage anti-social behaviour.暴力电视节目会助长反社会行为。Journalists on the whole don't create public opinion. They can help to nourish it.大体说来记者不制造舆论。他们会助长舆论。Mark thinks that the welfare system encourages laziness.马克认为福利制度助长人的惰性。Don't encourage him in his idle ways.助长他的懒散作风。They claimed that the authorities had deliberately promoted the violence.他们声称当局刻意助长了暴力。Such policies foster social alienation and discontent.这样的政策助长人们对社会的疏离感和不满情绪。Overuse of antibiotics may foster the spread of drug-resistant bacteria.滥用抗生素可能助长抗药细菌的扩散。The drinking and the guilt fed on each other.酗酒与内疚相互助长When a pain occurs, quiet your mind, and don't let it give sanction to the pain.当疼痛袭来,稳定情绪,不要让它助长了痛感。Fascism feeds off poverty.贫穷助长了法西斯主义。Inflation was fueled by high prices.高物价助长了通货膨胀。In many ways, our society actively promotes alcoholism.我们的社会从多个方面助长了酗酒的风气。Do toy guns encourage aggression?玩具枪会助长好斗情绪吗?He was against the introduction of a National Lottery as he thought it might encourage gambling.他反对引进国民彩票,认为这会助长赌风。Crime reports in newspapers often encourage copycat crimes.报纸上的犯罪报道往往会助长模仿的犯罪行为。Such conditions foster the spread of the disease.这样的条件助长了疾病的扩散。Her early success only served to feed her ambition.早年的成功只是助长了她的野心。This encourages reductionist explanations of fascist ideology.助长了对法西斯意识形态的简单化解释。Such unhygienic conditions encourage the spread of disease.这些不卫生的环境助长疾病的蔓延。Oxygen tanks helped fuel the flames.氧气罐助长了火势。The drinking and the guilt fed on each other.酗酒和犯罪彼此助长His argument was that multi-party systems encourage tribalism.他的论点是多党制会助长集团主义。Their refusal to remove the public-house will put a premium on drinking in the district.他们拒绝搬迁酒店,将助长本地区的酗酒风气。This campaign is being helped by the actual inaction of relevant authorities.有关当局实际上迟迟不动,无形中正在助长这场运动。




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