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例句 If you totalled up all the minutes of wasted thoughts throughout the day there would be plenty of time to take adequate and conscious breaks from the keyboard.如果你把整天胡思乱想浪费的每一分钟加起来,就会有充足的时间离开电脑,好好休息一下。Please cast up this list of figures for me.请替我把表上的数字加起来Let's just add up these figures quickly.我们快把这些数字加起来吧。His alimony amounts to around one thousand dollars a month.他的赡养费加起来每月约为一千美元。He knows more about computers than the rest of them put together.他们中其他几个人加起来的计算机知识都没他多。Add up the bills for each month. Take this away from your income.把每个月的账单数额加起来。把这部分从你的收入中扣除。We could only afford a small flat, even on our combined salaries.我们的薪水即使加起来也只能租得起一套小公寓。The sum total of my knowledge is not impressive.我的知识总共加起来也没有多少。Now add the numbers together.现在把这些数字加起来She felt she did more work than the rest of the team put together.她觉得自己做的工作比团队其他人加起来的都多。Add the figures up.把这些数字加起来The population of the US is bigger than that of Britain, France, and Germany put together.美国的人口比英国、法国和德国的人口加起来还要多。Count up the figures, will you?把这些数字加起来好吗? With the hotel, the flights, and the food, it all added up to much more than I had expected.旅馆、飞机票和饮食加起来以后远远超出了我的预算。At the end of the game, total up everyone's score to see who has won.游戏结束时把每个人的得分加起来,看看是谁赢了。All these little expenses soon add up.所有这些小花销加起来很快就会成一笔大数。I added up all my profits and I was surprised at how much I had made in the year.我把我所有的盈利都加起来,惊奇地发现我一年内竟然赚了这么多。The hours that I spend traveling to work really add up.我花在上班路上的时间加起来真不少。She added up all the numbers.她把所有的数字加起来Billie Holiday or Bessie Smith had more personality than a hundred of today's pop singers.不管是比利·霍利迪也好,贝茜·史密斯也好,都比当今一百个流行乐歌手加起来还要有个性。Tot the whole lot up to make sure you'll have enough money to pay.把一切加起来,确保有足够的钱支付。That adds up to more than a thousand dollars a year.那样加起来每年会超过一千美元。He said the numbers simply did not add up.他说这些数字加起来不对。Now add up the number of calories you have eaten.现在把你吃的卡路里数加起来Please cast up these numbers for me.请替我把这些数字加起来And now, add it all up and tell me how much I owe you.好,把货款加起来,告诉我一共该付你多少钱。When we added up the receipts we realized we had spent too much.我们把收据加起来,发现钱用得太多了。Add up the numbers in the column on the right.把右栏的数目加起来His latest album has outsold all his other records put together.他的最新专辑比他其余所有唱片加起来都卖得好。Add up that row of figures, and transfer the full amount to the top of the next page.把那行数字加起来,再把总数移入下一页的顶端。Add up your outgoings, putting on a bit more for contingencies.把你的经常性开支加起来,再增加些钱用于意外开支。Specialized software adds up the statistics.专用软件把统计数据加起来She earns more than all the rest of us put together.她挣的比我们其他所有人挣的加起来还多。He's lost more than all of us together.他的损失比我们所有人的损失加起来还大。The available information amounts to very little in toto.可获得的信息全部加起来也微不足道。The bills add up to exactly $100.这些帐单加起来正好一百元。He knows more than the whole class put together.他知道的比全班人所知道的加起来还多。If we add these marks up, we'll get a total of 90.如果我们把这些分数加起来,总数就有九十分了。




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