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Burnett co-piloted a plane nonstop from Egypt to Darwin, Australia.伯内特曾担任从埃及直飞澳大利亚达尔文飞机的副驾驶。She got in the passenger side of the car.她坐在了副驾驶位置。The co-pilot who caused the plane to crash is said to have suffered from psychosomatic disorder.那位让飞机失事的副驾驶据说为身心失调症所苦。The crew includes a copilot and a navigator.机组人员包括一位副驾驶和一位领航员。The captain and co-pilot always eat different meals during a flight.在飞行期间机长和副驾驶总是吃不一样的饭菜。 |