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词汇 副总统
例句 The knives are out for the vice president.要对副总统兴师问罪了。If a candidate for president wins the election, his/her running mate becomes the vice president.如果总统候选人赢得选举,他/她的竞选伙伴就成为副总统It was a major coup when they got the Vice President to appear on their show for an interview.令人感到非常意外的是,他们请到了副总统上节目接受采访。People were surprised by the pairing of candidates for president and vice president.人们对总统和副总统候选人的组合感到吃惊。The vice-president seems to have a good working relationship with the president.副总统似乎与总统有着良好的工作关系。The Vice-President serves ex officio as president of the Senate.副总统按职务规定担任参议院议长。I want the whole National Security Council, including the President and Veep, to hear it.我想让所有国家安全委员会的成员,包括总统和副总统都听到这个消息。The constitution says nothing about a mom-and-pop presidency.对于夫妇是否可以联手当正副总统宪法未作任何规定。He ran as Vice-president on the Republican ticket.他作为共和党的候选人竞选副总统He became a candidate for the vice presidency.他成为副总统的候选人。His nominee for vice president was elected only after a second ballot.他提名的副总统在两轮投票后才当选。Ferraro was the first woman to be nominated for the job of vice president.费拉罗是第一位获得副总统职位提名的女性。The Vice President is first in line to succeed the President.副总统是接替总统的第一人选。The vice president is in a state of poor health.副总统健康状况不佳。They got them a new vice-president.他们选了一位新的副总统The Vice President and the Attorney General were immiscible.副总统和司法部长合不来。Dan finished up his act with a joke about the Vice-President.丹拿副总统开了个玩笑来结束他的表演。Ten years later he was America's vice president.十年后,他成了美国的副总统The Vice President is on an official trip/visit.副总统正在公务出行/访问。He later became Vice-president.后来,他成为了副总统Senators are demanding to know whether the vice-president is in any way connected with the arms suppliers.参议员要求知道副总统是否与军火商有联系。Should Vice Presidents be given more authority?应授予副总统更大的权限吗? Mbeki ran unopposed for the post of deputy president.姆贝基在无人竞争的情况下参选(南非)副总统Her nearest challenger is the vice-president.与她实力最接近的竞争对手是副总统The Vice President admitted taking bribes.副总统供认受贿。The President was unavailable and had the Vice President stand in for him.总统没有空,就让副总统暂时代替他。He is one of the aspirants to the vice-presidency.他是热衷于当上副总统的人士之一。Their mouthpiece is the vice-president.他们的代言人是副总统The vice-president took over the leadership of the country.副总统接掌了国家领导权。The vice president gave an off-the-record opinion on the issue.副总统就这一问题发表了私人的意见。When the President is ill, his duties devolve upon the Vice-President.当总统生病时,其职务交由副总统代理。I think that the vice president was in the loop.我认为副总统是局内人。The President wasn't able to attend the ceremony, so the Vice President was there to pinch-hit for him.总统不能出席庆典,副总统临时替他出席。Information planted in the press could inflame the Vice-President to hasty action.报刊登载的消息会使这位副总统激动得轻率行事。The vice president was the president's successor.副总统是总统的继任人。The Presidential nominee has got the like-minded Vice Presidential running-mate he wants.总统候选人已找到了他所需要的观点一致的副总统竞选伙伴。He became the Vice President of the United States.他成为了美国副总统The vice-president was forced to take up the reins of office.副总统被迫走马上任。The vice-presidency is a powerless office.副总统是个没有什么权力的职位。For him this is a no-lose campaign - he will become either vice president-elect or a much stronger presidential contender for the next election.不论结果如何,他都是这次竞选的赢家——要么当选副总统,要么将成为下届总统选举中更强劲的竞争者。




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