例句 |
The men were trained in the art of sheepshearing.这些男人接受了剪羊毛技术训练。The farmer taught her how to shear sheep.那个农夫教了她如何剪羊毛。In the Hebrides they shear their sheep later than anywhere else.在赫伯里兹,剪羊毛的时间比其他任何地方都要晚。They use electric shears for sheep shearing.他们使用电动大剪刀剪羊毛。Sheep shearing is a highly skilled craft.剪羊毛是很讲究技巧的手艺。He found a job of shearing wool from sheep.他找到一份剪羊毛的工作。Children can watch sheep shearing, and can help feed the farm animals.孩子们可以看剪羊毛,还可以帮忙喂农畜。 |