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词汇 buzz
例句 I'll give you a buzz later in the week.我这周晚些时候给你打电话。Let me buzz you out.我来打开门禁让你出去。The hottest buzz these days was the beheading incident committed by ISIS.这一阵子最热门的话题就是伊斯兰国的斩首事件。Sex education in schools was the buzz topic.学校里的性教育是一个热门话题。There was a buzz of voices in the hall as the audience waited for the show to start.观众们在等待演出开始期间,大厅里闹哄哄的。Hundreds of flies buzz around us, and the workman keeps swatting them.数百只苍蝇围着我们转,工作人员不停地拍打。The team's new players are creating a buzz among baseball fans.棒球队的新队员们引起了球迷的热议。There's been a lot of buzz about the new movie.关于这部新电影有很多议论。Now be quiet and buzz off.现在请闭嘴并滚开。There's been quite a buzz about the new movie.关于这部新电影有很多议论。I'll give you a buzz next week.我下周给你打电话。We'll give him a buzz when we get to Maybury Street.我们到了梅贝里街的时候会给他打电话。I heard a buzz and then saw the plane in the distance.我听见嗡嗡的声音,接着看见了远处的飞机。An intense buzz surrounded the event.围绕这件事议论纷纷。There was a terrible droning buzz in his ears.他的耳朵里响起极其低沉单调的嗡嗡声。What's the latest buzz about their marriage?关于他们的婚姻又有什么最新八卦?We heard the buzz of the bees as we walked through the garden.我们穿过花园时听到了蜜蜂的嗡嗡声。I get a real buzz out of playing in front of an audience.我在观众面前演奏确实非常兴奋。The insistent buzz of the telephone was driving me mad.电话机那持续的嗡嗡声让我快疯了。I've got some stuff to do at home, so I'm going to buzz off now.我家里有些事要做,所以我现在得走了。The buzz among fans is that their idol is about to get married.影迷中的传闻说他们的偶像即将结婚。The buzz of city life still thrills me.都市生活的忙碌仍让我非常兴奋。I could hear the buzz of a chainsaw far away among the trees.我听到远处树林里有链锯的嗡嗡声。I'll give you a buzz on Monday.我星期一给你打电话。The buzz is that she turned down the job because the pay was too low.传言她嫌报酬太低回绝了这份工作。She could hear him over the buzz of conversation and laughter.一片嗡嗡的谈笑声中,她能听到他的声音。There was a buzz of excitement all around the room.屋里一片兴奋的谈笑声。The movie, due out next summer, is already creating a buzz.下一个夏季上映的这部电影已引发热议。I'll give you a buzz tomorrow.我明天会给你打电话。Ring the bell when you arrive and someone will buzz you into the building.到了以后按门铃,会有人打开门禁让你进入大楼。A buzz of excitement filled the courtroom as the defendant was led in.当被告被带进来的时候,整个法庭的人都激动起来,一片嘈杂。There's been a definite buzz about the place since the new manager arrived.自从新经理到来之后人们对这个地方感觉良好。I've finished everything, so I'll buzz off now.事情我都做完了,现在我要走了。I'll buzz you in the afternoon.我下午给你去电话。He had a buzz after only two drinks.才喝了两杯他就有点醉了。I'll buzz you tomorrow morning.我明天上午给你打电话。And I'll buzz over to talk some sense into old Ocker.我会不厌其烦地给那个固执己见的澳大利亚老头讲道理。When the machine is turned on, it makes a quiet buzz.机器运行时发出轻轻的蜂鸣声。A buzz of excitement ran through the crowd.一时间群情激昂。A buzz went through the crowded courtroom.拥挤的审判室响起一片嘁嘁喳喳的谈话声。




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