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词汇 前一天
例句 He had made a date with a girl he had met the day before.他和前一天遇到的那个女孩定下了约会。The winds had touched storm-force the day before.前一天风力已经达到了狂风级。Her mind was full of what had happened the night before, and she just wasn't concentrating.她头脑里满是前一天晚上所发生的事情,根本无法集中精神。I chose the day before her departure to make the announcement.我决定在她离开的前一天宣布这件事。The day before the trial, the lawyers tried a dry run of the closing arguments.审判的前一天,律师们排练了一次最后陈词。The day before announcing his farewell to business, Sir James talked to me in his extravagantly elegant Paris home.在宣布退出商界的前一天,詹姆斯爵士在他位于巴黎的极为雅致的家中和我谈了话。This dish may be prepared a day ahead of time and refrigerated.这道菜可以提前一天准备好并冷藏起来。I had met them the previous day.前一天我和他们见过面。She put on a rumpled shirt she had worn the day before.她穿上了那件前一天穿过的、皱巴巴的衬衫。After the night before, he was in rough shape.经历了前一天晚上的事情,他的状态差极了。A few journalists were allowed to view the art exhibition the day before it opened.几名记者获准在艺术展览开幕的前一天先行参观。She considered it poor etiquette to invite people over and then cancel just the day before.她认为发出邀请后又在前一天将其取消是很不得体的。He had drunk too much the night before.前一天晚上他喝多了。The day before the exam, I felt worried and unprepared.考试的前一天我感到很担心,觉得没有准备好。The night before he was scheduled to be executed, the group held a candlelight vigil for him outside the prison. 在他行刑的前一天晚上,这群人在监狱外彻夜为他做烛光祈祷。He made a sly reference to the events of the previous night.他会心地提及前一天晚上发生的事。The letter had been delivered the previous day.那封信在前一天就送到了。It is certain that Rodney arrived the previous day.罗德尼是前一天到的,这一点是肯定的。The vegetables can be prepared the day before.蔬菜可以提前一天准备好。The soldiers recaptured the hill they had lost the day before.战士们夺回了前一天失守的山丘。We packed our bags the night before our trip.我们旅行前一天晚上装好了背包。They didn't pull their finger out until the day before the exam.直到考试前一天他们才开始用功。He'd been drinking the night before and was looking a bit haggard.前一天晚上喝了酒,看起来有点憔悴。The stage was rigged the night before the concert.音乐会的前一天晚上舞台设备就已配置妥当。Helen described the events of the night before in excruciating detail.海伦絮絮叨叨地描述了前一天晚上发生的事,烦死人了。The emotional and physical strain of the previous day had left him exhausted.前一天情感和体力上的过度紧张使他感到筋疲力尽。She and Woolley had spent the day before their capture stealing handbags.她和伍利被抓的前一天在偷手提包。He had a prophetic dream about a train crash the night before the disaster.出事的前一天晚上,他先知先觉似的做了个火车相撞的梦。It had all started to go wrong the day before.前一天开始一切都变得不正常。It had been wet overnight, and a morning mist lay on the field.前一天晚上下了雨,田野上笼着一层晨雾。The whole house was a hive of activity on the day before the wedding.婚礼的前一天,整幢房子里是一派忙碌的景象。She wrote to Roosevelt's secretary in answer to his letter of the day before.她写了信给罗斯福的秘书,回复罗斯福前一天的来信。He had taken a sleeping tablet the night before and still felt dopey.前一天晚上他吃了一片安眠药,到现在还觉得迷迷糊糊的。They declared a ceasefire from midnight on New Year's Eve to promote peace and as a gesture of goodwill.为了促进和平及表示善意,他们宣布自新年前一天午夜开始停火。She mentioned a TV programme she'd seen the night before.她说起过前一天晚上看过的一个电视节目。She rescued Sandy from the Animal Shelter the day before he was due to be put to sleep.就在桑迪要被人道杀死的前一天,她把它从动物收容所救了出来。Elections were postponed the day before polling was due to take place.在原定投票日的前一天,选举推迟了。It's the last but one day in the athletics programme.那是田径比赛结束的前一天We began by reviewing the previous day's work.我们开始先回顾前一天的工作。She was wearing an outfit she'd bought the previous day.她穿着前一天买的那套衣服。




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