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词汇 buy
例句 Calculate the area of the walls and ceiling before you buy the paint.买涂料之前,先计算好墙和天花板的面积。We lived with my in-laws until we had enough money to buy a house of our own.我们有钱自己买房子之前和公公婆婆住在一起。Would you buy me some smokes while you're out?你出去的时候能帮我买些烟吗?He'd tried to buy the film rights to all of George Bernard Shaw's plays.他曾尝试买下萧伯纳所有戏剧的电影改编权。The bank lent her money to buy a car.银行贷给她钱买车。We have just enough money to buy it, with 11 pence to spare.我们刚好有足够的钱买它,还剩下十一便士。Remind me to buy some milk tonight.提醒我今天晚上买点牛奶。With so many products on the market, it was easy to become confused about what to buy.市场上有那么多的产品,很容易搞不清楚要买什么。You'll buy nothing but trouble if you buy that house, take my word for it.你要是买那栋房子只会买来麻烦,我说的都是真的。I've just got to buy the paint and then we're in business.我只要把油漆买来,我们就一切都准备好了。They originally planned to fix their old car, but they decided to buy a new one instead.他们原本打算修好旧车,但最终决定买辆新的。I wanted to buy him dinner, but he insisted on paying his own way.我想替他支付晚餐费用,但是他坚持自己付钱。Don will only buy the motorcycle if his parents approve.唐只有等父母同意了才会去买那辆摩托车。We opted not to buy the extra insurance.我们决定不买额外的保险。Department stores buy merchandise in the gross.百货商店进货采取批发方式。Every citizen could buy shares in privatized state property.每一个公民都可以购买私有化后的国家财产的股份。People buy sex manuals for titillation.人们购买性知识手册是为了寻求性刺激。You'd better try on the coat before you buy it.这件外套你最好先试穿一下再买。Maybe we'll buy a house when our financial situation improves.等经济状况改善了,我们或许会买幢房子。You used to buy them from the chemist.你过去经常在药店买这些东西。I'll buy you a brew.我会给你买酒。He saw the car and immediately wanted to buy it.他看见这辆车,立刻就想把它买下来。During his senior year his earnings stretched far enough to buy an old car.他上年纪时省下的收入足够买一辆旧车了。The new car goes down in value the minute you buy it.你刚一买下,那新车就贬值了。Can you remind me to buy a bottle of Martini?.你能提醒我买一瓶马提尼酒吗?She wanted to buy some lingerie on her way home.她想在回家的路上买些女用贴身内衣裤。Her parents are understandably afraid of opening a Pandora's box if they buy her a car.她的父母有理由担心,给她买一辆车就等于是打开了潘多拉魔盒。I don't know whether people will buy it or not.我不知道人们会不会买它。If you decide not to buy, the money you have spent on the survey is not recoverable.如果你决定不买,你在调查上花的钱是收不回来的。The discerning like to buy their shoes at this shop.识货的人喜欢在这家店里买鞋。You'll have to wait until kingdom come for him to buy you a drink!你要是指望他买酒请你喝那你有得等了。Do you know where I can buy a second-hand bicycle?你知道哪里可以买二手的自行车吗?Be careful, don't buy a schlock car with a pretty design.小心,不要买品质差造型美的车。After paying rent he doesn't have much left to buy food and pay bills.付了房租以后,他剩下来买食物和付账单的钱就不多了。Some associations provide homes to buy or part-buy.一些协会提供可以整套购买或部分购买的房子。We usually buy our cheese from a shop in the market.我们通常在市场里的一家商店买奶酪。She was saving money so that she could buy a car.她当时正在存钱,为的是能够买辆车。Do you want to buy commemorative stamps or first day covers, sir?先生,您要买纪念邮票还是首日封?If you tell him it's his turn to buy the drinks, you won't see him for dust!如果你说轮到他买饮料了,你就不会见到他的人影!I remarked that we mustn't buy things we didn't need.我说用不着的东西我们决不要买。




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