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词汇 sickened
例句 The thought of such cruelty sickened her.想到如此的残忍行为她就很愤慨。I was sickened by the way Carol charmed all the men by turning coy.卡罗尔忸怩作态勾引男人的样子让我恶心。The smell of the blood sickened her and she ran out of the room.那股血腥味使她受不了,她跑出了房间。The notion that art should be controlled by intellectuals sickened him.他讨厌艺术应由知识分子所掌控的观点。He soon sickened of busy city life and moved out to the country.他很快就厌倦了忙碌的城市生活,搬到了乡下。We were sickened to learn that such well-known companies were dealing with the drug kingpin.如此知名的公司竟与那毒枭有来往,我们得知此事以后十分反感。Many residents were sickened by the contaminated water.污染的水使很多居民生病了。The young officers were sickened by the greed of their generals.年轻军官们对将军们的贪婪感到厌恶。He finally sickened of the endless round of parties and idle conversation.他终于对那一连串没完没了的聚会和闲聊感到厌烦了。There had been times when she had felt sickened by the things people did in the name of business.有时人们打着做生意的幌子所做的事情让她感到恶心。I am sickened about the destruction of the downtown area.我对城区受到破坏十分气愤。The sight of blood sickened her.看见血使她恶心。The violence in the film sickened me.电影中的暴力让我十分反感。Country vets aren't easily sickened, but I felt my stomach turning when I saw the state of the dog.乡村的兽医见怪不怪,但我看到那条狗的样子却直翻胃。He sickened of living abroad.他对旅居国外感到厌倦了。The child sickened with whooping cough.那孩子得了百日咳。The bacteria in the drinking water sickened the whole village.饮用水里的细菌使整个村庄的人都生病了。I was sickened and shocked beyond description.我既厌恶又震惊,简直难以用言语来形容。The Bishop said he was sickened by the severity of the sentence.主教说他对如此重的量刑大为震惊。Doctors are not easily sickened but I felt my stomach turning.医生不会轻易对什么恶心,但我却感到反胃。This brutal attack has sickened even the most hardened observers.这次残忍的袭击即使最铁石心肠的旁观者也会感到震惊。They were sickened by the scenes of misery and degradation they found.目睹困苦、潦倒的景象,他们感到心里极不舒服。We were sickened by the non-stopping noise.连续不断的噪音使我们感到厌恶。We were sickened by the reports of violence.有关暴力事件的报道让我们愤怒不已。What he saw there sickened him, despite all his years of police work.尽管他干了多年的警察工作,但在那里所见的一切还是让他感到恶心。All decent people should be sickened by such a pointless waste of life.凡正派的人都会厌恶这样无谓地浪费生命。She sickened at the sight of a dead rat.她看见死老鼠就感到恶心。His heart sickened at the thought of that horrible scene.他一想到那种可怕的情景就感到恶心。He was sickened by the sight of blood.他一见到血就恶心。Many of them sickened and died.他们中有许多人都病死了。Many people sickened and died on the long voyage.在漫长的航海中,很多人得病死去Their squalor and wretchedness have sickened me.他们的肮脏和卑鄙已经使我恶心。




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