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词汇 别的
例句 He had been causing annoyance to the other guests.他一直让别的客人感到很恼火。Do you want to go down to the shops now, or what?你想现在去商店购物,还是干点儿别的什么?There better be another way in - I'm sure as hell not climbing up all those steps.最好还有别的路可以进去——我是肯定不会爬那么多台阶的。If nothing else the meeting serves as a useful way of getting everyone's ideas together.这次会议即使没有别的作用,起码也可把大家的意见集合起来。Our current method isn't working. We need to try a different line of attack.我们目前的办法不奏效,需要尝试别的解决方法。Will that be all, Your Highness?陛下,还有别的吩咐吗?Their decision was made by default. All of the other options were no longer possible.他们是在无可选择的情况下做出决定的。所有别的选择都不可能了。Seeing other families together made him terribly homesick.看到别的家庭共享天伦,他加倍思念故乡。No other organisation was able or willing to take on the job.没有任何别的组织有能力或愿意承担此项工作。Ask my parents yourself, for all I care – it won't make any difference.你自己问我父母去吧,我才不管呢,不会有什么分别的He has asked to be put onto a higher grade.他要求担任更高级别的职位。It wasn't anything serious. A mild stomach upset, that's all.没什么大不了的。只是胃有点不舒服,没别的When asked if he wanted anything else, he just shook his head.问他是否要点别的,他只是摇了摇头。Mick was hacked off when he saw his girlfriend dancing with another guy.米克看到女朋友和别的家伙在跳舞,感到很不高兴。He wished he was not in a room so far from the bathroom. There was nothing for it but a long trudge through the house.他真希望自己的房间离卫生间不那么远,没别的办法,只能走上长长的一段穿过屋子。Economic sanctions will be used only in the last resort.实在没有别的办法时,才会采取经济制裁。To prevent a scandal, John was rapidly packed off to another city.为了避免丑闻,约翰被匆匆调往别的城市。Dentists will only resort to extraction of a tooth when all other treatments have failed.牙医只有在所有别的治疗方法都无效后才会拔牙。We scooped the other companies by making the best offer for the contract.我们为得到这一合同抢在别的公司前报出了最好的价钱。Many people feel that lawyers can't be trusted, that they are just out for the money and nothing else.许多人都觉得律师不可信,他们只看重金钱,不为别的He reads nothing but biography.别的书不看,光读传记。When he said it was time to wind things up, the others accused him of being a party pooper.他说是时候结束了,别的人都怪他扫了大家的兴。I'd like to go in for a more advanced examination if I can.要是能够的话,我想参加更高级别的考试。Among other matters, the city council authorized more funds for additional police officers.除了别的一些事情,市议会还批准了更多的资金用于增聘警员。If they went around complaining publicly, they might not find it so easy to get another job.如果他们总是当众发牢骚,再找别的工作可就没那么容易了。Whoever else goes hungry, he won't.不管别的什么人挨饿,他不会。She has never been to a big city other than Chicago.除芝加哥外她没有去过别的大城市。He led his team to victory for the tenth time, a feat no captain had achieved before.他带领球队第十次获胜,在他之前没有别的队长获得过如此佳绩。Is this guy stupid, or what?这个小伙子是蠢还是别的什么?Is there any other intelligent life elsewhere in the cosmos?在宇宙的其他星球上还存在别的有智慧的生物吗? He slammed/jammed on the brakes to avoid hitting the other car.他猛踩刹车,以免撞上别的车。She gets jealous if I even look at another woman.我即使看一眼别的女人,她也会醋意大发。For me it was like meeting a long-lost sister. We talked, and talked, and talked.对我来说就像久别的姐妹重逢一样。我们聊呀聊呀,话总是说不完。The beach was crowded but everywhere else was very quiet.海滩很拥挤,但别的所有地方都很安静。I saw a different doctor because my regular doctor was on vacation.我看了别的医生,因为平时给我看病的医生休假了。I'll go anywhere to escape: London, Paris, or wherever.我会逃往任何地方:伦敦、巴黎或别的什么地方。It was a harmless flirtation and nothing more.那只是无伤大雅的打情骂俏罢了,没别的He has stepped up efforts to identify and acquire other small companies.他加紧努力寻找并收购别的小公司。It's possible that there is life on other worlds.可能在别的天体上存在著生命。Bob was stronger than other boys, and he threw his weight around.鲍勃仗着自己身体强壮,老是欺侮别的男孩。




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