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词汇 判处死刑
例句 They argued that only a triggerman can get the death penalty.他们坚持认为只有开枪杀人犯才可以被判处死刑The policemen were sentenced to death for their complicity in the murder.这些警察因串谋杀人被判处死刑Incest was punishable by death.以前乱伦罪可判处死刑Kidnappings are horrendous crimes and the offenders are punishable by death.绑架是重大的犯罪,犯罪者可以判处死刑If convicted for murder, both youngsters could face the death penalty.如果谋杀罪名成立,这两个年轻人都可能会被判处死刑He was captured, tried, and executed for murder.他因谋杀而被抓获、受审,并被判处死刑The infamous traitor was sentenced to death.那个罪大恶极的叛徒被判处死刑He was adjudged to die.他被判处死刑Some of the regicides were sentenced to death.一些弑君者被判处死刑He and two others were sentenced to death.他同另外两人被判处死刑Murder is one of the few offences that carries the death penalty.谋杀是少数要判处死刑的罪行之一。Drug smuggling carries a mandatory death sentence.走私毒品依法必须判处死刑She was convicted of murder and sentenced/condemned to death. 她被裁定犯有谋杀罪,被判处死刑He is the youngest person ever to be given a death sentence in San Diego County.他是圣迭戈县历来最年轻的被判处死刑的人。The charges could have potentially resulted in a death sentence.这些指控本来可能会导致判处死刑Wilson was sentenced to die for kidnapping.威尔逊因绑架罪被判处死刑He was sentenced to death.他被判处死刑Thirteen people have been charged with treason, an offence that can carry the death penalty.十三人因叛国罪被起诉,该罪行能够判处死刑Richardson was convicted of murder and given a death sentence.理查森被裁定谋杀罪成立,判处死刑Recently a number of policemen were sentenced to death for their complicity in the murder.最近,几名警察因串谋杀人被判处死刑In some countries, drug-smuggling still carries the death sentence.在某些国家,贩毒仍要被判处死刑




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