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词汇 busy
例句 Staying busy helped keep his mind off his troubles.不断忙碌从而帮助他忘记烦恼。I was busy accessorizing my bedroom with oil paintings.我正忙着给我的卧室配置几幅油画。I'm busy at the moment - can I call you back?我现在很忙——我回头给你打过去好吗?Find some way of slowing your father down;he is far too busy now.想办法让你父亲轻松一点;他现在太忙了。The hotel is revving up for the busy summer season.正值忙碌的夏季,这家饭店的节奏也变快了。I've been trying to call the customer helpline, but all I'm getting is a busy signal.我一直试着给客户求助热线打电话,但得到的就只是忙音。I will be busy cleaning the house.我会忙着打扫房子的。Gardening offered an escape from her busy life.园艺劳动让她摆脱了繁忙的工作。The doctors are brusque and busy .医生们说话简短生硬,十分忙碌。I was so busy today that I didn't have time for lunch.我今天忙得连午饭都没有时间吃。I'm a busy woman, what do you want?我是个很忙的人,你有什么事?I try to avoid supermarkets on Saturdays - they're always so busy.我尽量避开周六去超市——那时总是人特别多。The roads were busy as we drove out of town, but after that it was plain sailing.我们开出市区时路上很拥挤,再往后就一路顺畅。Sorry, I'm busy right now - I'll speak to you later.对不起,我现在正忙—过会和你再谈。He'd been plenty busy during my absence.我不在的时候他十分忙碌。We can't go. To begin with, it's too cold. Besides, we're busy.我们不能去。第一,天太冷。另外,我们正忙着。At the moment they are all too busy pigging on fish and chips.现在他们都在埋头大吃炸鱼薯条。He was busy behind a pile of papers on his desk.他在桌子上高高堆起的文件后面忙碌着。I'm a busy man - don't bother me with trivialities.我很忙——别拿鸡毛蒜皮的小事来烦我。She took time out of a busy schedule to talk to us.她从繁忙的日程安排中抽出时间和我们谈话。All I get is a busy signal when I dial his number.我给他拨电话只能听到占线的忙音信号。The precinct gets so busy with shoppers on a Saturday.到了周六,这地方就随处可见购物者的身影。Inside it is madly busy.里面非常忙碌。Could you call back some other time? I'm busy right now.你可以换个时间再打电话过来吗?我现在正忙。Dr Gresham is busy at the moment attending to one of his patients.格雷沙姆医生现在正忙着照顾一位病人。The company is busy trying to salvage its core business.这家公司在忙着挽救它的核心业务。Rachel's busy studying for her exams.雷切尔正忙着准备考试。He was too busy eating to make the objection vocal.他正忙着吃,没工夫出声儿反对。Parents of young children are always busy.有幼儿的父母总是很忙碌。He is busy publicizing his book.他正忙于宣传自己的书。She tried to call Lisa, but the phone was busy.她想给莉萨打电话,但电话占线。I am busy writing a novel.我正忙于写小说。All too often doctors are too busy to explain the treatment to their patients.医生往往忙得没时间跟病人解释治疗方案。She retreated from the busy office to her own room.她从繁忙的办公室中躲到了自己的屋子里。New York is an example of a busy city.纽约是熙攘热闹城市的标本。Don't try to cop out by telling me you're too busy!别想跟我推脱说你太忙。The children's feet were busy beating out the tune.孩子们忙着顿脚,为乐曲打拍子。I've been so busy these last few days, what with one thing and another.我最近几天忙这忙那地忙个不停。We're busy laying the groundwork for another campaign.我们正忙着为另一场活动做准备。Keeping busy was the only thing that kept her from going to pieces during the divorce.不让自己有一刻空闲的时间是她办离婚手续时避免精神崩溃的唯一方法。




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