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词汇 分泌
例句 If the egg is not fertilized, oestrogen and progesterone decrease.如果卵子未受精,则雌激素和孕酮的分泌会减少。The pancreas secretes a substance called insulin.胰腺分泌一种叫胰岛素的物质。The ants milk this sugary liquid from the aphids.蚂蚁喜欢吸食蚜虫分泌的甜液。Oils produced by the skin form a protective barrier against infection and disease.皮肤分泌的油脂构成了一道预防感染与疾病的屏障。The sweat glands secrete water.汗腺分泌体液。Diabetes is caused by a fault in the insulin production of the body.糖尿病是由体内胰岛素分泌失调引起的。Thyroid deficiency means that the thyroid gland is producing too little thyroid hormone.甲状腺功能减退意味着甲状腺分泌的甲状腺素量过低。Hormone secretion is controlled by the pituitary gland.荷尔蒙的分泌是由垂体控制的。Late miscarriages are usually not due to hormonal insufficiency.孕晚期流产通常不是激素分泌不足所致。Testosterone-crazed youths roam the countryside, raising hell.雄性激素分泌旺盛的年轻人在乡间闲逛,大吵大闹。This drug reduces mucus production in the gut.这种药可以减少肠道的粘液分泌In diabetes the body produces insufficient insulin.糖尿病患者体内不能分泌足够的胰岛素。Some frogs produce toxic substances in their skin.有些青蛙的皮肤能够分泌剧毒物质。Hormones are secreted into the bloodstream.分泌的激素进入到血液中。The pills are designed to override your body's own hormones.这些药片用以调节人体自身的荷尔蒙分泌We do not live our lives just to digest, secrete, excrete, and respire.我们生活并不仅仅是消化、分泌、排泄、呼吸而已。Diabetics don't manufacture enough insulin.糖尿病患者体内胰岛素分泌不足。An inhibitor of gastric secretion provided relief from the patient's chronic diarrhoea.分泌抑制剂为患有慢性腹泻的病人解脱了痛苦。




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