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词汇 分歧
例句 Their ideas are somewhat divergent.他们的想法有些分歧There was an irremediable split between the two sides of the family.那个家族的两派之间有着无法调节的分歧The leader's speech aimed to close the embarrassing divide in party ranks.领导人的讲话旨在缩小党内各派令人尴尬的分歧It ought to be possible for partners to disagree on specifics while agreeing in general terms.合作各方应该有可能在同意总体条件的情况下对某些细节保留分歧Detecting some dissent, the prison officer assumed a more official manner.发觉意见存在分歧,狱警就愈发摆出一副官样来。You must continue to see them no matter how much you may disagree with them.无论你和他们之间有多大的分歧,你都得继续去看他们。But on this question, the two leaders have very fundamental differences.但在这个问题上,两位领导人有着根本性的分歧Our differences were too wide to paper over.我们之间的分歧太大,无法掩盖。They haven't been able to resolve their differences.他们未能解决彼此间的分歧There is wide disagreement on this issue.在这个问题上存在广泛的分歧There is disagreement within the government over the exact timing of the referendum.政府内部在全民公决的确切日期上存在分歧When the issue was first put to the vote, the group split .这件事最初进行投票表决时,该团体意见产生了分歧There was a deep division in the Republican Party over policy on Central America.在中美洲问题上,共和党内有着严重的分歧Creative differences eventually split up the band.创作方面的分歧最终导致了这支乐队的解散。The talks were meant to break down barriers between the two groups.谈判旨在消除双方意见的分歧The group eventually split over conflicting political philosophies.这个团队终因政见分歧而分道扬镳。They agreed to lay aside their differences for the good of their families.他们同意为了各自家族的利益暂时搁置彼此间的分歧There is much disagreement, but the group of countries is trying to patch together a treaty on defence.尽管存在很多分歧,这几个国家还是试图草拟出一份防御条约。The bitter split which has developed within Solidarity is likely to harden further into separation.团结工会内部已产生的不愉快分歧可能会进一步演变为分裂。Differences over EU policy were left to be thrashed out at a later date.欧盟政策上的分歧留待日后再作讨论。The gulf between the cultures was too great.文化间的分歧是巨大的。The differences between our two cultures can be bridged if we continue to communicate.如果保持沟通,我们两种文化之间的分歧可以得到消除。The once tightknit ruling elite appears to be dividing sharply over the country's political future.这个一度紧密团结的统治阶层看来在国家的政治前途问题上现正产生尖锐的分歧Their disagreements healed over.他们之间的分歧消除了。The two parties were still too much apart to form an alliance.两党分歧甚大,还远未能结成同盟。The unrest has roots in religious differences.动荡的根源是宗教分歧There is great disagreement here.在这个问题上有很大的分歧I've no quarrel with him.我和他之间并无分歧This latest disagreement could mean the end of the road for the band.最近出现的分歧可能意味着乐队要解散了。Discord over agricultural policy threatens to overshadow the summit.农业政策上的分歧给这次峰会蒙上了阴影。We were finally able to hash out our differences.我们最终得以通过协商解决了分歧The emphasis on social integration often served to obscure the real differences within the community.对社会融合的强调往往会掩饰社区内真正的分歧The family was divided along generational lines.这家人不同的辈分之间产生了分歧I realized we were still worlds apart.我意识到我们仍有很大的分歧We have moved much closer, narrowed our differences.我们越走越近,彼此之间的分歧已经缩小。Their disagreement is just a political sideshow when compared to the real issues at hand.与目前的实质问题相比,他们的分歧只是政治上的小插曲。Unfortunately, their goals for the project came into conflict.令人遗憾的是,他们在项目目标上产生了分歧The debate could open up sharp differences between the countries.辩论可能会使两国之间的尖锐分歧公开化。Johnson staked out the differences between himself and the other candidates.约翰逊明确阐述了自己与其他候选人之间的分歧A shadow of divisiveness was cast upon the last two years of his presidency.分歧的阴影笼罩着他最后两年总统任期。




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