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词汇 advance
例句 Fortunately, the boss was willing to advance me part of my first month's salary.所幸,老板愿意预付给我第一个月的部分工资。We require payment in advance for all goods purchased.购买任何商品,我们均要求提前付款。The jobs have been made redundant by technological advance.这些职业工种因技术的发展而变得多余。They don't normally give advance notice about which building they're going to inspect.他们一般不提前通知要检查哪一幢建筑。An awful lot of advance preparation must have gone into this summit.这次峰会需要做大量的事先准备工作。This could be an advance on the present situation.这样可能会改善当前状况。The soldiers marked time until ordered to advance.士兵们原地踏步直至接到前进命令。No advance warning of the President's departure was given.事先并未通知总统要离开。I like to make plans well in advance.我喜欢早早做计划。Customers can get huge discounts by booking in advance.客户提前预订可以享受很低的折扣。Tickets may be purchased in advance from the box office.可以预先在售票处买票。Wages have continued to advance.工资持续上涨。You will have to book well in advance for this deservedly popular hotel.这家备受欢迎的旅馆可谓名不虚传,你需要早早预订。A swamp opposed the advance of the army.沼泽地阻碍部队的前进。The president has done his utmost to advance the national interest.总统已尽了最大努力来增进国家的利益。Passengers should tell the airline in advance if they have any special dietary needs.乘客如有特殊的饮食需要,须事先向航空公司说明。They began to make preparations several days in advance of her arrival.他们在她到达前几天就开始准备了。Her colleagues were all surprised at her rapid advance in the company.她的飞速升迁令公司同仁均感惊奇。They bought the tickets in advance.他们预先买了票。The destruction of the bridge checked the enemy's advance.破坏那座桥阻碍了敌人前进。The event received little advance publicity.这个活动事先几乎没有宣传。There was no way to know in advance that these problems would occur.不可能提前知道会出现这些问题。If you want to arrive early you must give advance notice.如果你想早点来,你必须提前通知。Society needs to advance beyond prejudice and superstition.社会需要发展并超越偏见和迷信。Much advance publicity was given to the talks.事先对会谈做了大量的宣传。The rebels continued their advance on the capital city.判军继续向首都推进。General Bradley gave the order to advance.布拉德利将军发出前进的命令。All of the arrangements have been made in advance.所有准备工作都提前做好了。He was known for his cultivation of political contacts to advance his own ends.他通过建立政界人脉达成自己的目标,这是人所共知的。Before he could advance another step, the men ran away.他还没来得及再向前挪动一步,那些人就跑开了。The advance team checked out sites for barracking soldiers.先遣队检查了我们的士兵营地。The group's research has done much to advance our knowledge of the HIV virus.这个小组的研究为增加我们对艾滋病病毒的了解作出了很大的贡献。The allocation of time and resources must be done well in advance.必须提前分配好时间和资源。You can spell out your preferences in an advance directive, so that your family and doctors know what you want.你可以在事前委托书中详细说明你的选择,以便你的家人和医生知道你的意愿。The event received little advance publicity.关于该事件事先几乎没有报道。It's worth your while to book in advance.提前预订对你很有好处。Football games often sell out well in advance.足球比赛经常在开赛前很久票就已经售光了。The soldiers could not impede the enemy's advance.士兵们无法阻挡敌军前进。The team did not advance beyond the first round of the play-offs.这支队在季后赛的第一轮就止步了。I'll advance you the money for it, here and now, just to help you out of a bind.我现在就把钱预付给你,好让你摆脱困境。




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