例句 |
The road bisects just before you get to the town.这条路在你快要进入市镇的地方分叉。The river branches off at this point.河道在这里分叉。These are known as Ternate Bridges as they cross three rivers at their confluence and form anatural ringroad.这些分叉的桥梁,在他们的三河交汇的地方形成一个天然的环城公路。Jaegers are swift black birds with long forked tails.贼鸥是飞行速度很快的黑色鸟类,尾部长而分叉。You should have your hair trimmed every few weeks to get rid of split ends.你应该隔几周就修剪一下头发,剪掉分叉的发梢。You should trim off your split ends.你应该修剪一下分叉的发梢。 |