例句 |
A brick crashed through the window.一块砖哗啦一声击穿了窗户。He watched two men being kneecapped by a rogue.他眼看着两人被一个流氓击穿腿部。The ship was hulled several times during the battle.这艘船在战斗中被击穿了好几次。She was shot through the head by a sniper's bullet.她被狙击手射出的子弹击穿了头部。The bullet pierced the skin of the aircraft.子弹击穿了飞机的外壳。These grenades are able to pierce the armour of tanks.这些手榴弹可以击穿坦克的装甲。They threatened to kneecap him.他们威胁要击穿他的膝盖骨。 |