例句 |
The batter hit a looping single to left field.击球手击出一记左外野弧线一垒安打。I heard the fans groan as the batter hit a grand slam.击球手击了个全垒打,我听见球迷发出抱怨声。The batter looped a single to left field.击球手击出一记左外野弧线一垒安打。The batter trotted around the bases after hitting a home run.击球手击出本垒打后绕垒慢跑。The batter hit a weak ground ball.击球手击出一记力道不足的滚地球。The batter popped up to the second baseman.击球手击了个小腾空球,飞向二垒手。 |