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词汇 出毛病
例句 Someting has gone wrong with the radio.收音机出毛病了。They bought the caravan last summer, and they've had trouble with it ever since.去年夏天他们买了这辆房车,此后它就一直出毛病If the body is robbed this way for too long, vital organs break down.要是长期这样糟蹋身体,主要器官肯定出毛病She sensed what was wrong by intuition.她凭直觉意识到什么地方出毛病了。I kept copies of my expense receipts, just to cover myself.我把花费的票据都复印保留了一份,免得让人挑出毛病My watch has been messed up ever since I dropped it in the sink.我的手表自从掉进水槽后就一直出毛病He soon detected the faulty valve.他很快查到了出毛病的阀门。He must be out of his senses if he thinks I'm going to let him stay in my house.要是他以为我会让他待在我家,那他真是脑子出毛病了。The cars were old and apt to break down.这些车旧了,容易出毛病Suppose the car should break down again.假定汽车又出毛病了。There's something wrong with the flaming printer.可恶的打印机出毛病了。I get a cold in little Mary, my vulnerable spot.我肚子着凉了,那是我最容易出毛病的地方。My car has been giving me a lot of trouble lately.我的车最近一直出毛病The car's engine began to act up.汽车的发动机开始出毛病了。He wears a cheap watch that's always breaking.他戴了块廉价手表,总是出毛病He ate so much watermelon, yesterday, that his bowels are out of order.昨天他吃了那么多西瓜,所以肠胃出毛病了。The elevators in this building are always breaking down.这幢楼里的电梯总是出毛病My TV's on the blink again.我的电视机又出毛病了。I hope my back doesn't start acting up again.希望我的背不会又开始出毛病This old motorcycle is constantly breaking down.这辆旧摩托车老是出毛病The car wouldn't go because the engine was out of kilter.车子开不动,因为引擎出毛病了。I'm sending the watch back to its makers; it has gone wrong.我要把这只表送回生产的厂家,它出毛病了。This elaborate device seems foolproof.这一精心制作的装置看来不会出毛病The vacuum cleaner is acting up again.真空吸尘器又出毛病了。When the clock stopped he took it apart to find out what was wrong.钟一不走了,他就把它拆开看看哪儿出毛病了。I first started cruising in yachts with temperamental petrol engines.我刚开始驾驶游艇航行时,艇上的汽油发动机老出毛病When anything went wrong with the engines they called for Murdoch.发动机一出毛病,他们便去叫默多克。The printer's out of whack again.打印机又出毛病了。The car won't start. So much for our trip to the beach.汽车又出毛病了,我们去海边的旅行只好作罢。What a knocker he is; no matter what we suggest, he finds fault with it.他真是个吹毛求疵的人;不管我们提议什么他都能挑出毛病来。They've had a lot of trouble with their car.他们的车子经常出毛病The camera started playing up after I dropped it.我把相机弄掉在地上后,它就开始出毛病了。




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